Chapter 3- Herobrine, Then Shelter...

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3rd Person POV
As Anne, John, Jesse, Lukas and Petra walk to their way to Elementia to train themselves, a black smoke circled around them. "Brace yourselves!" Petra yelled to the rest of her friends. A man with a grey jacket, brownish red hair, long jeans, and a black tree like symbol on his hand emitting from nowhere. "R-Rinto? Is that you?" The man smiled so wide that it looked like he's a maniac. Anne walked slowly at the man, but John stopped her. "Anne, that's not Rinto! That's-" "Oh! Guess you caught me!" The man changed his form into someone very familiar to Anne and John. Herobrine... "Ahh, so you found the Elementalist for me huh. Well, I know that you won't make me easy to take her, so I'll give you company. Good luck." With a evil laugh, he disappeared through the smoke and summoned a lot of armored mobs. "John, you have the power for Nightmares. Think you can Give them Nightmares?" Anne asked quickly. "Yeah, maybe. I'll try. Just slay some of them and give me as much time as you can." John commanded. They all nodded and slayed monsters at their way. John gave all monsters around them Nightmares to death, then those monsters just died (weird element effect right?). "That. Was. Weird." Petra told while inhaling and exhaling air. "How did you even do that John?" Jesse asked excitedly. "John is more known as 'Nightman', which means, he can control Nightmares and anything related to the element Dark." "I see." Lukas said with a sigh.

•Time Skip•
Jesse's POV
"Guys, it's already sunset, we better get shelter." I told the team before the blue cloth cover the sky. "Jesse's right." They all said in unison, who knows that they will say that the same time. Heh, like the old times when Petra and Olivia both exclaimed.

"Can you guys tell me what to do with the pile of redstone you just dumped me Olivia? I mean, I'm not the total redstone person but I don't think I can use this well." I asked Olivia with sarcasm at my voice. "Well then put it all in a shulker box and give it to whoever want it!" Petra and Olivia both exclaimed in unison also with sarcasm at their voices. "Why thank you M'ladies" I joked. We all bursted laughing like idiots at Lukas' front door. "Can you three please shat aph for 10 seconds and let me sleep! It's 6 in the morning!" Lukas screamed and pretty much obvious that he's mad about it. "Sorry." We all said at the same time. Lukas rolled his eyes and slammed the door at our faces like he's Squidward and us three are SpongeBob, Patrick and Mr. Crabs.

--End of flashback--
Well, there goes happy memories. I gotta help my friends find shelter for now. "Guys, how about we go to that little cave and take shelter there. We just need to put a small door in front of it so that we can come out Safe and sound. Does it sound good for you guys?" Anne suggested. I gave her a thumbs up and the others were all Ok with it so that we won't do a short dirt hut montage. At least. We gathered few wood and dirt for the wall. Welp, I guess there's a dirt wall montage for me then. Oh geez.

--short dirt wall montage--
Oh geez (again), that was a bit exhausting but at least it was more secured. The five of us rounded around the campfire and told different stories we all have. "Alrighty, I'll start my story." Anne started. "I was a young little child, a child with a normal small life with her family. I forgot my parents names but Arabelle's (my sis) name always echoed at my mind. It was Ara's birthday, I was trusted to buy some items needed for a perfect cake while Ara was distracted getting 50 golden flowers nearby our house. It was half an hour so I convinced myself to get Ara myself. When I was about to get home, I saw my old home, on fire. My parents were dead. There was a note written at the wall. It said 'I'm Coming for you, Arianne. Or should I say, Pheonix Guardian'. I was confused at first why did it called me 'Pheonix Guardian'. But I finally realized it when I wasn't burned by the fire. This person is Herobrine as I always knew. My current Master, Alice Soul, found me lying at their front porch when I was wandering my way to Elementia. And now, here I am, the old girl who is weak now strong and know what to do with her old life." Anne ended her story with a negative remark. I kinda feel bad for her. "Wait, who is Alice Soul?" Lukas asked curiously. "She's a good person who have a long dark brown hair. Oh! And don't confuse her with her twin sister. Her name is Pendant Soul. Their name may not be identical but their looks is. Their differences is- Alice have green, cyan, and yellow eyes. It rarely change depending on her mood. Pendant have red, blue and violet eyes. It also change depending on her mood." Anne explained. Oh, I sure hope I can see them in person. (Their eye color difference on the picture)

The rest of us telled their stories and went to sleep

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The rest of us telled their stories and went to sleep. I can't sleep so I gone out of the cave and stared at the dots at the sky. "Can't sleep, can you Jesse?" A very old and familiar voice asked. I looked back and see Lukas standing with his hands in his pockets. "Can't you?"

A/N- Nice, we almost have a Lukesse moment here which, I laughed about when I wrote the draft. Anyways, I know, it's kinda boring to read this part. I was lazy at writing John's Story cuz I ran out of space writing the story at my draft notepad... But hey! At least I finally updated it after some few days of me unable to post anything. COMPLETELY nothing... I'll tell John's story in another book. Let's say, his Diary. I'll make a diary book for each OC and MCSM Characters. I'll see you in another chapter reader..


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