Chapter 4- Elementia

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(Lukesse Moment)
Jesse's POV
"Fine, I can't either. So what's the holdup?" Lukas asked me, I just let out a small giggle. "What's the hold up or 'where is de wae?'" now, we both just bursted out laughing at the middle of the night star gazing. I just hope that PETRA isn't watching us because she will just make fun of me and Lukas which is the most annoying thing that Petra did to me these past days. "You have a cute laugh you know?" I blushed.

Anne's POV
I was sleeping peacefully then I woke up cuz I heard a sound of a girl and a boy laughing peacefully. Good this there is a small window there lying at the dirt wall. I looked at the window seeing two lovebirds laughing. OMG, I gotta take a picture of these two! I took out my phone and snapped the scene while laughing quietly. I'm gonna show this to Petra tomorrow and I know she will Fangirl around so ill showing this privately. John is already half asleep so I can't talk to him about Rinto. Oh, right. Rinto, a old friend of mine, who is sweet, kind, smart and handso- wait what!? W-what am I even talking about!? Rinto is also a jerk ya know reader!? Yes, I know you're reading this part so just shrug it off before I punch you in the face. You're lucky that I may not know you real life. Ah, now I gotta go to sleep.

--Next Day--
Petra's POV
It was morning and every single person at the cave is up already. "Psst, Petra, come here." Anne whispered to me silently after everyone else go out of the cave. "What is it?" I asked curiously. "This." She snickered as she show me a picture of a back of a girl and a boy. "Is this-??" She cutted me quickly. "Yes! Jesse and Lukas!" We squealed silently so that we won't seem suspicious. "Ok just shut up, SHUT UP! Don't tell this to Jesse and Lukas. Kay?" Anne told me with a grin. "Yeah! Promise!" We let out a sigh to stop laughing but it didn't work. We still have a LOL on our faces. "Are you ok guys?" Lukas asked us. "Yeah, we're fine." We finally got over the photo and sighed to calm ourselves down. "C'mon, we gotta go out to get to our destination as early as possible." Jesse commanded us. Aww man, I'm such a dork to laugh at that photo. My ship has sailed. Thank God that it has finally sailed last night...

John's POV
"Oh, yeah right. Where is the rest of the order?" I asked Jesse. "Olivia, Redstone business. Axel, Boomtown explosion commands." Jesse said and Anne asked another question to them. "Wait, I know that this 'Jack' person is a manner of the Order. Why wasn't he with you guys?" "Jack isn't a member of the Order. He was just a friend who need to steam off some memories from his past. If you're asking where is he. Well, he took off for some adventure with his old buddy, Nurm." Petra told us seemed like a story for a lifetime. I sure hope I can meet this Jack person, he seems pretty much of a hero. "Here we are. Hello, Elementia..." I said with a sigh. "Welp, sooner or later, we're going back to Elementia Academy John. Our mission is done so we need to get back to the academy to train ourselves..." Anne said sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes. "What academy?" The trio asked. "We'll explain as soon as we get there." I said to the Order. We encountered the giant gate of the city and with a big knock, it opened magically.

??? POV
"Anne!" I screamed. "Saber!" Anne ran at me and gave a warm hug. I was so glad to see her again in one piece. "Anne, who is this person?" A guy with a black coat asked. "Guys, this is Saber, my best friend. We met eachother at the Academy's hallway. She's being bullied so I have to defend her. I asked her name and she said 'I-I'm Saber', we became best friend, and the rest is history." Anne said with a glint in her eyes. Hi, my name is Saber. I'm more known as the weird girl in school. My element is Magic. And yes, I wear a tiger skull (Thank you @Hizwarrior for this OC). I have a satchel with small pouches in it so I have few stuffs in me. The Order of The Stone looked at me weirdly but their leader, Jesse looked at me like I'm some sort of a important person in the world. Oops, sorry for my overwhelming joy today. I finally feeled as welcome as how did Anne welcomed me as her friend...

A/N- Sorry Hizwarrior for not putting my drawing for Saber for a while, I just hurried this chapter so I didn't have time to draw her. Once again, sorry. I still gotta show you guys some more OCs at the next chapter. Expect some OCs from me guys. Also expect your OC, imma take a break for now. Bai, see ya at the next chapter bois!


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