That's how they describe me..
My name is Chelsea Aria Rose Davis
The most powerful and fearless gangster queen in Gangster World. I maybe fearless but...
I had a d...
Good afternoon everyone it is I, Ana Abby Brown you can call Ana in short. I'm currently here in a store where you can find all different kinds of glass for your eyes. I just finished buying all the stuffs that I needed except for my glasses. I'm looking for one right now but I can't choose because they all look great. While I was roaming around something caught my attention.
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I saw this glasses and I really loved it. I went straight to it and tried it on. And guess what? It fits me perfectly. I looked at the cost of this glasses and saw that this glass costs 3k. Wow so expensive for just one glass but never mind. I really want this so I quickly went to cashier and paid for this glasses.
After I paid for my glasses I went to a milktea store near by. Minutes passed, it was my turn to order.
"One Strawberry Bubble Milktea please."
"Ok ma'am anything else?"
"No I'm fine with milktea only."
"Ok ma'am that will be 200 pesos."
" Ok here's 300 pesos keep the change."
"By the way ma'am what's your name?"
"It's Ana."
"Ok ma'am Ana please take a sit while waiting for your order to be served."
I sat at the chair near by and I decided to check my phone to see if there are any messages. I opened my phone and I immediately saw unnie Chelsea's name. I quickly read her message because maybe it's something important.
From: Unnie Chelsea
Unnie I'm here at xxxx restaurant. We're going to eat here and don't worry it's my treat. I'll be waiting for you.
I smiled and continued reading the other messages. While waiting, I suddenly heard my name being called.
"One Strawberry Bubble Milktea for ma'am Ana!"
I stood up and went to claim my bubble milktea. After I claimed it, I was getting the straw because I'm really thirsty right know. When I finally found it, I started walking to the restaurant unnie Chelsea was talking about. But suddenly a guy bumped into me and spilled his milktea on me. He was looking at his phone that's why he didn't see me.
"What the hell! Are you blind?!" I said while looking at him angrily.
"Miss I'm so so sorry." He apologized to me.
"Sorry? Do you think your sorry can fix my outfit!? It's all covered in milktea!" I said to him and pointed at my wet clothes.
"Miss I'm really sorry, how about you pick some clothes and I'll just pay for it."