Solstice Recognition

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Somewhere in the back of her mind she remembered that the day was Dec 21st , the winter solstice. The thought puzzled her, but she filed it away for later. Right now, she was in front of a hooded laughing he-lunatic.

"Don't recognize me, huh?, too much negative thoughts, mmm so how'd you reach here baby?".
Revelation came to her as waves struck the shore, the only one who dared to call her baby was also the one whose soul had been lost from her a decade ago. And the idiot who dumped a gold coin for a copper one. No, she gulped. It can't be.

"Allie?"asked she, full of desire to find whether the unknown person was indeed her Alex.
"Yup,nice to meet you too and how'd you reach here?" "job"she replied her jaw hanging open as she tries to process the event like it was a fake.
"Aren't you going home?", Alex enquired. "Well yeah, I was, if you didn't scare me half-to-death"she replied rolling her eyes as she said it.
"You're still the same" muttered Alex under his breath as he went over to his car.
Alex put a soft song which Rose couldn't understand,"which one is it?"
She asked."Oh it's 'let me down slowly' by 'Alec Benjamin'", her mouth opened automatically "single?" She asked him. "Yeah, how about you?" "well..I was, till this evening".
"Oh" he nodded like he understood. He always did.
They talked nothing for the night till they reached her apartment.
"Bye,take care lil' sister"."mmhmm" hummed she as she got out of the car.

She tossed and turned the rest of the night. She loved Alex as a brother but still, when Alex said 'little sister', Rose felt something inside her deep down daring to stand up straight again.

Or maybe will it stand taller than the sky, sooner of later.....??

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