Bliss of Ignorance

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All night the wind whipped and lashed at Draco's humble cabin and eventually I awoke from noises the grueling storm produced. Thankfully, I had at least gotten six hours of sleep and it was already ten past five. For the next hour, I sat before the fire with a blanket shrouded over me, listening as the blizzard slowly died out with the morning light. Rising from my station, I ventured to look out the window and saw a most glorious sight. The Forbidden Forest was still yet glimmering with heavy white snow. Spotting a hinge on one of the glass squares making the window, I unlatched it and popped my head out into the cold air. There was a silence spread over the land and it made me feel at ease.

To my surprise, light clumps of snow began falling upon my head and as I looked up, I found two bluebirds chirping relentlessly at each other. I brushed the snow from my hair and watched them with a fixed gaze, as per usual, finding the behavior of this country's birds incredibly odd. Their argument died out and I became the center of their attention. Understanding my intrusion, I discreetly retreated and closed the window, then contemplated what I had just witnessed. Suddenly, the unmistakable noise of tumultuous feet emitted from outside the bedroom door.

Horror-stricken, I listened closely. Abruptly the door opened and a strange man clad in a black cloak scanned the room before staring at me in silence. Being satisfied with what he found, he shouted to the kitchen "In here." I flinched at his voice and stumbled backward a bit before I saw the unexpected face of Dormir appear from behind the cloaked stranger. His glasses glinted from the window light as he dismissed the man before him.

"Good morning, Ms. (Y/LN)," he greeted me with a mild voice.

Slipping his gloves off, he studied the room with intrigued eyes and returned his attention to me.

"Sorry for the intrusion but we're here to conduct a search."

Just then, Cleverdeux strode into the room with a searching expression but quickly smiled upon the sight of me.

"Ah, the young apprentice! Thank you Dormir," were his introductory words. Dormir left us alone.

"How are you this morning?"

Blinking in disbelief, I then gave him a slighting stare, "Confused."

Was this it, perhaps? Had Hugo Cleverdeux changed his mind overnight and decided to strip me of all my happiness? Were they here to finally drag me away and send me off to some schoolhouse? Instead of the usual panicked sadness that frequented my heart, fiery anger pulsated.

"My apologies, we have come rather abruptly I'm afraid. But it is all due to an urgent matter. Is Malfoy not in?"

"It appears not," I replied quickly, looking about the room. "Forgive me for my abrasiveness, but is it really that necessary to group a mass recon to escort me away? And on Christmas Eve! Truly—truly! I have had enough of your reckless, rash, and foolish Ministry!" Cleverdeux took a step forward and raised his hands in an attempt at calming me. His face expressed pure shock.

"No! I won't relax, sir. I have kept my peace all the while my fate has been decided for me and no longer will I respectfully hold my tongue. What sense is there in tossing a muggle-born girl—who mind you, had a life before all this mess—into the middle of nowhere to fend for herself! I don't even have the proper currency to shop in the neighboring town, let alone electricity to live comfortably. And now you want to ruin everything Draco and I have built upon? Idiotic, selfish, stupid man!" I concluded now completely beside myself with anger.

My chest heaved heavily in excitement. Attempting to calm myself, I ran one hand over my forehead and straightened my skirt. I was entirely exhilarated and relieved. The confidence I had suddenly mustered allowed the emotions brewing inside to come pouring out. But Cleverdeux, after being rioted by my shouting, made an acute effort to move slowly and let a moment of silence pass before stating his opinion on the matter. With movements much like his brother, he began slipping off his gloves and nodded his head to the side in reflection of my words.

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