6 | slave traders

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Ezra and I joined the Twi'lek in the cockpit.  She was middle-aged, and a purple color.  "You are and excellent pilot," I remarked.  "How did you know how to fly so well?"

She turned to me.  "I'm a space pirate myself, and ships like this are often what I work with."

Space pirates.  Similar to a rebel crew but steal for the opposite reasons.  We would have to be cautious, pirates only look out for themselves. 

"Don't worry, young ones," she said, watching our worried glances.  "You have been very kind to free me.  I won't double-cross you today."  

I looked down at the floor, not knowing what to say.  Thankfully Ezra took the lead. 

"I'm Ezra Bridger, nice to meet you," Ezra said.  

"I know who you are," the Twi'lek huffed.  "I'm Kia. Thank you for your service.  We will arrive in the waste lands of Lothal shortly."  

"Waste lands?" The Gungan croaked.  "That's far away from Lothal's main city."

The waste lands were a desolate place.  Certain species thrived there, like Rodians and Ortolans. It was hot and humid with lots of mud.  There wasn't much vegetation because the toxins in the atmosphere was bad for plants.  But Kia was smart, the Empire would never find us there.


We came out of hyperspace and Kia landed us on the edge of a swamp.  Ezra opened the door and the people began to leave.  

"Make sure you lay low once you get back to your homes," Ezra warned.  "Now that the Empire is looking for you, you must be on your guard."

The Gungan gave us a frail smile. "Your service to your people today is honorable, thank you."

We watched him and the Rodian walk away into the dim sunrise.  I took off my gloves and wiped my sweaty palms on my pants.  Were Kanan and Hera up yet? 

The young girl was the last to go.  She was dressed like any other Lothling; dark hair held in a tight bun, and a yellow jacket. Yet I knew she had the desire for something greater.  The spark in her eyes enabled her not to run away from danger, but to overcome it.  

She turned to Ezra and I, "Thank you for saving me, Mr. Bridger and Miss Wren."

"Please," I said, coming closer to her. "Call me Sabine. And what is your name?"

"I am Crynn Sawyer." 

"Crynn, we would not have been able to escape today if it had not been for your bravery.  You spoke up when I had underestimated you, and I am truly thankful for that."

Crynn blushed and scratched her head a bit.  I could tell she did not know what to say.  

"Someday, when you're a little older, you could be a valuable asset to the Rebellion," Ezra told her.

"Really?" Her pale blue eyes widened.  

"You bet, now get on home  so your folks stop worrying." 

Ezra and I stood on the dusty rocks as Crynn disappeared behind some Bunya-Bunya bushes.  I hoped it wasn't the last time we saw her.  I sighed feeling the heat of the morning sun come on.  It was time to go home. 


The Phantom soared over Lothal and rush of peace waved over me.  Even though Ezra and I had made a troubling decision leaving our crew, our story had a happy ending.  We freed the captives and got our stuff back.  A shard of pride warmed my heart. 

"So, what was up with you and that Commander guy?" Ezra leaned closer to me.  

I bit my lip.  Castriel was not what I wanted to talk about right now.  

"I guess I just recognized him from the Imperial Academy," I said, trying to sound as casual as possible.  A flashing light on the control pad caught my eye.  We were running out of fuel soon. 

"No way, you guys totally had a thing there.  Come on, what's his name?"  Ezra was being stubborn as usual.  I felt there was no way around it.  

"His name was Castriel.  We used to be close friends at the Academy," I sighed, reminiscing my dark past.  "He helped me out with some of my exams and we used to play pranks on the stormtroopers together.  But after I saw what the Empire was doing, I couldn't stay.  I tried to get him to come with me but he wouldn't leave."  

Over the years, I hadn't had that many people I was close with.  Castriel was one of them.  I had let my guard down and he broke my heart.  I was so hurt, but oddly talking about it openly helped a little bit. 

"I'm sorry, Sabine.  You made the right choice.  Remember that."  Ezra's deep blue eyes held my gaze.  I thought how his own parents had died for similar reasons.  He was so brave- doing all these things.  "You stuck out your head to stand up for what was right.  That's what matters."

I sucked in a breath, feeling shaky all over.  Tears urged to come, but if they did, I feared all my insides would spill out, leaving me as a dry case of ignorance.   But I wasn't a serpent ready to shed my skin.  I held on to hope, and what was to come.  

Ezra hugged me and I became calm.  "Thank you, Ezra."  

Abruptly, the Phantom lurched sideways and we both slammed into the wall.  My head throbbed and a tried grabbing onto one of the safety bars.  

"What's going on?"

"We've been attached to a larger ship," Ezra announced, looking out of the windows.  I groaned and ran over to him.  A large wing cast a shadow over our tiny shuttle.  I recognized a pointy circular symbol on one of the engines.  The Black Sun.

"Ezra! We have to get out of here!" I yelled.  "It's the Black Sun! They're going to sell us!"

"What?  Are you sure?" He bit his lip and slammed a button on the control pad.  "No!" Ezra screamed when nothing happened.  "They've got us locked in!"


The Black Sun.  Galactic Crime Syndicate, and another shadow of my past.  I remember the days when my friend, Ketsu and I used to fantasize about joining them.  They were our shining star to shoot for, something to hold onto while struggling at the Academy. 

"We'll be richer than we can imagine," Ketsu had said.  "We won't have to take orders from anybody.  Nothing will stand in our away."

Ketsu was more focused on the reward we would earn, while I just wanted to run from my past on Mandalore.  Either way, it was a good thing for both of us.  Too bad it didn't go quite as planned.  

I never thought I'd be back here.  But now Ezra and I stood handcuffed in the main chamber before the throne of the infamous crime lord;  Gardulla the Hutt.  

The giant purple slug croaked and gurgled a language I couldn't understand.  Surprisingly, Ezra seemed to be hearing everything she said.  

"You know Huttese?" I gasped. "What did she say?"

Ezra gave me a worried look. "She said the Empire will pay a large price for us."

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