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I look over to Kon, who is uncontrollably shaking. He suddenly starts heading to the door.
" Kon, don't do it" Laney says, trying to be calm. He stands still for a few seconds, before running out screaming. I was about to run after him but Laney grabs my arm.

"Don't it's too dangerous, and I want to help him as well, but it's too risky" Laney says, tears forming in her eyes. Tears start forming my eyes, and I hug her tightly. I can't believe we just lost our best friend. I check the monitor, and see Kon nearing the front door. Me and Laney watch, hoping he will make it. But Freddy appears infront of him, and when he tries to run the other way, Kin-Er, Foxy steps infront of him and snatched him.

They are carying him to the stage, where I watch one of my other closest friends in the world get stuffed into the Bonnie suit, while Laney covers her face in my chest, crying.

I hug her again and kiss her forhead. I can't let anything happen to her. If anything does, I'd kill myself. She let's go of me, and has a sad but angry expression. I've never seen her like this before.

"Why did we do this? why did you make us come here?" she asked angrily.

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