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I look through the draws in the office for anything I can use if those robot's try to grab me. All I find is a small knife. It will have to do. I take a deep breath, and race out the door, imediatly catching the animatronics attention.

Bonnie and Foxy are my first obstacle. Kin, Kon. I can't blieve I have to do this. I race right past them, cutting one of the wires on Foxy, and they jump right into eachother.

The next is the robot that started this mess. Freddy. Whoever you use to be, I hate you. He sort of reminds me of G'orb, that little blue orb thingy. He obviously wanted me and my friends dead. Freddy blocks my way past, and he's holding a golden freddy suit in his hand. I slide under his legs, slicing his leg almost off in the process.He slips and falls.

I'm at the door!. I run as fast as I can, and jump for the door handle. this is it!. I leap and grab the door handle, but something grabs my leg and pulls me back, causing the door to pull open. I keep my grip firmly on the handle, and look behing me to see the chica suit, trying with all her might, and starting to succeed, to pull me away. I swear I can see the lifeless body of Laney inside it. I know she'd want me to do this.

I grab the knife, and slice the chickens hand clean off!. The robot falls in pain, and the grip of the hand loosens. I race out the door and slam it shut, running through the streets.

I can't run any longer, I'm far from that place anyway. I collapse on the floor. I'm all alone now. My friends are all gone. Before I pass out, I see the shy starting to turn a beautiful red color for the sun  rise. The color of Laney's hair...

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