"i missed you so much"

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DECEMBER 21, 1985 10:40 A.M.

Will had a crush on Mike since 7th grade, but it didn't feel like a crush though. 

THE NEXT DAY... (it's still dec 21)

"Turn off the T.V. and get in the car, it's time to go!" said Johnathan to Will and El.

Eleven and Will quickly scurried out of the house and into the car. Joyce locked up the house and both Johnathan and Joyce got in the car.

El and Will fell asleep next to each other in the car because it was very early in the morning.

11:35 A.M.

El woke up before Will did, and she wanted to play something with her brother.

"Will. Wake up. I wanna play a game."

Will rolled his eyes sarcastically and sat up. "Ugh, fine. Truth or dare?"


Will thought for a minute. "I dare you to roll down your window and let the wind blow in your face and mess up your hair." said Will with an evil smile.

"You are so annoying," said El as her and Will were giggling.

El rolled down the window and stuck her face out the window. Will was dying of laughter because her hair was going all over the place because of the strong wind. When El rolled up the window her hair was all scrunched up like she got a terrible bowl cut.

"I look like Mike!" exclaimed El, which made them both laugh even more. 

"Okay Will, truth or dare?"


"Hmm. Do you have a crush on anyone?"

Will didn't know what to say. His palms got sweaty and his cheeks turned red. Mike was his crush, but he didn't say that he was.

"Umm... uhh... I don't like anyone." his voice was shaky.

"Mmmhmm," said El as she rolled her eyes. "I totally believe you," she said sarcastically.

"Uhhh, o- okay, truth or dare?"

"No, it's not my turn until you tell me who you like. Please? I won't tell anyone." said El.

Will refused to speak. "I don't like anyone."

El thought for a while. 

He probably likes Max. 

Does Will like me? 

Ew no.

Does he like Nancy?

Does he like Robin?

Does Will even like a girl?


Can he even like a boy?




"Hey Will,"


"Is it okay for a boy to like another boy?"

Joyce heard this and chimed in, "Why are you guys talking about that?"

Will whispered, "El, maybe now's not the time to talk about this, okay?"

Eleven sighed, "Fine."

11:55 A.M.

Joyce parked outside the Wheeler residence. Both Will and El were asleep. She planned on surprising the Wheelers and then stay at a hotel nearby, it'd be rude to just barge into your friend's house to stay for a week.

Johnathan opened the car door and woke up the kids. "Guys, we're here!"

Will and El ran to their front door. El rang their doorbell.

They could hear Mike yell, "I'll get the door Mom!" from inside.

Mike opened the door and Will and El yelled, "SURPRISE!" 

Mike's eyes were the widest they could ever be. "Oh my god,"  he said as he gave El the tightest hug ever.

"Mike what's going on?" said Nancy as she ran outside. "Mom! Dad! The Byers came to visit!"

Karen and Ted ran outside with Holly. They gave Joyce and Johnathan hugs and greeted them.

El greeted the Wheelers and everyone was in the front yard, giving hugs and crying, except for Mike and Will. They didn't interact yet. Will turned around and said, "Hi Mike."

"Oh hey Will." he smiled and gave Will an even bigger hug than El. 

Will liked Mike's warm embrace. "I missed you so much," said Mike. He sounded so relieved saying that.

"Me too Mike." Will was blushing.

12:20 P.M.

Everyone was in the Livingroom. 

"You guys are welcome to stay here for the week." insisted Karen.

"You are so sweet, but it's rude to just barge in your place without telling you." insisted Joyce.

"I insist, you guys are like family to me, please stay here. We have plenty of rooms to stay in." said Ted.

"I mean..."

"Please! Please Mrs. Byers!" said Holly. She liked the Byers.

"Holly, that is not for you to decide." scolded Karen.

"Okay. Sure. We can stay here. Thank you guys so much for letting us stay."

"Of course!"

Here was the sleeping arrangements:

- Nancy & Johnathan stayed in Nancy's room

- Will, Mike & El stayed in the basement

- Karen & Ted stayed in their room

- Holly stayed in her room

- Joyce stayed in Mike's room

10:30 P.M.

"When are we seeing our friends?" asked El.

"My mom called their parents and told them that you and Will came, so we're seeing them tomorrow." replied Mike

Will, El and Mike decided to hang out in Mike's basement before they went to sleep.

"Where do you guys wanna sleep down here?" asked Mike. "We should probably start setting up the sleeping bags."

"There's no way I'm sleeping on the floor, I'll sleep on the couch," said El. 

"Okay then. Then I'll sleep on the floor with Will." said Mike.

El noticed Will smile and blush when Mike said that. The three of them set up blankets and pillows where they were sleeping.

11:00 P.M.

Karen and Joyce came to the top of the stairs. "It's getting late guys, please go to bed." said Karen. "Goodnight guys." said Joyce.

"Goodnight." said all three kids at the same time.

 El said "I'm not tired", but Will and Mike had already fell asleep, their hands an inch apart from touching.

El noticed this.

Will likes Mike.

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