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"No, wait!" Followed by a slamming door was never a good sign in their household.

Namjoon looked up from his computer in time to see the Maknae line running down the hall and a banging following them. Consider his interested peaked.

"Yoongi please! We didn't mean it!" Namjoon removed his headphones fully at the mention of the older rapper. What had they done to Yoongi? The leader got off the couch, placing his laptop to the side as he went to go do damage control.

"What have you brats done now?" Namjoon crossed his arms over his chest, staring down the youngest three. He was not that much older than them, but he was still their Hyung. The three gulped at the sight of their leader, eyes wide which only further proved their guilt. Namjoon raised his eyebrows, waiting for one of them to answer him, but they seemed to have lost their ability to talk. "Go. Let me handle this." He said sternly, moving Taehyung and Jimin out of the way. Jungkook still stood in the way - and there was their number one guilty participant. "Kookie, move." Namjoon whispered, reaching out to pat the youngest shoulder.

"Please tell him I'm sorry," Namjoon nodded, gently nudging the younger to the side and letting the other Maknaes pull him into their room once more. The leader breathed out quietly before stepping up to the door and knocking his knuckle against the door.

"Yoongi, it's Namjoon, please open the door," There was shuffling on the other side of the door, but the door was still locked and Namjoon was still on the other side of the door. "C'mon, open up. I sent the Maknaes away," Namjoon tried, resting his forehead on the wood. Why was Yoongi hiding from them?

"Go away!" Yoongi's voice sounded wet, like he was crying and Namjoon knew without a doubt that he was getting in this door. Even if it killed him.

"You know I am not going to do that Yoon, now please open the door,"

"I just want to be left alone."

Namjoon sighed, turning so his back was too the door and sliding down. He pulled his phone out of his pocket, making sure the sound was off before looking up how to pick lock videos. He can't say that he had ever been in this type of situation before, especially with Yoongi, but he was not going to leave until he was sure the rapper was okay. Namjoon tried to tell himself that he would have done this for any of his members, but he knew deep down that he had a soft spot for Yoongi. The white haired rapper provoked something in the brunet rapper. He had ever since they first met before BTS was an official group.

The leader had fallen in love with the little rapper all those years ago and it had only gotten stronger with getting to know Yoongi and living with him. It was no secret that Namjoon had a soft spot for the elder rapper. All the members teased him endlessly about his giggling every time Yoongi made a sarcastic remark in interviews. Or how Namjoon smiles wide when Yoongi talks passionately or speaks in English. How Namjoon is quick to defend Yoongi whenever the elder makes a mistake or stumbles over his words. They especially loved teasing Namjoon about being the first to reach out when Yoongi wanted affection, even in public settings. They still had not let go on the award show where Namjoon wrapped Yoongi in his arms when he started to cry and the younger had refused to let go of his hand for the rest of the night.

Initially, the leader was not sure if he actually did all of these 'ship moments' as Jin and Hoseok called them, but with ample proof from all their members - he was sure they all had an album on their phones named Sugamon - and the fans, Namjoon could admit that he had the biggest crush on Yoongi. According to the other members, it was quite pathetic and Namjoon should just tell the elder already.

But that was his Hyung... He would rather live a lifetime of heart ache than ruin his friendship with Yoongi. He got enough affection from the elder as it was and that was already enough to substitute for a relationship. He would just have to live without kissing the love of his life.

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