A New Friend

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Luckily I had found an empty book and a pen in the doctor's room last week. I made it into my journal.

I don't know what they did to me but I was weak, I couldn't move

I tried to wiggle my fingers and they were okay

Thursday 19th December 2019

It's ya boy Julius again, it's been a week since they've done something to me. It's so dark and cold. Will I ever get out?

I put my head down and tried to sleep

But I couldn't, I tossed and turned. About an hour later I fell asleep

"Run Julius run!" I heard my dad say

I looked back to see my parents disappear

I looked in front and I was on a ledge

My heart pounded like crazy

I didn't wanna fall

But somehow I did

"No!" I screamed

"It was just a dream, but I'm living a nightmare" I said thinking about this Asylum

"I wanna go home" I pleaded

"This is your home" I jumped at the voice

The door was open

There stood the most beautiful girl I've ever seen

"Who are you?" I asked

"I'm Sarah" She smiled

I noticed that she had on the same gown as me

Was she a prisoner too?

"Julius" I said

"Are you hurt?" She asked

Sarah came closer to me and touched my face

"I'm sore" I winced

"I'm sorry" She backed away

"It's ok, are you trapped here too?" I asked

"I've been here for one month" A tear slipped her eye

"What did they do to you?" I frowned

"Evil things" Sarah lowly said and ran away

God save me




TrillJxmmi 🖤

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