Ride Or Die

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July 27th 2022

It's Sarah's birthday today, she's finally 14. But shit, we still locked in here. What a great birthday to have. But I'm here and imma make sure she has a great day

I unlocked my door and headed to her room.

I mean I'm glad we can come out of our rooms. I haven't seen any of those evil people for months. It's just been Sarah and I

I quietly slipped in her room but I woke her up with the sound of the squeaky door

"Hm?" She yawned

"Happy Birthday Bestfriend" I ran to her and hugged her

Sarah hugged me back

"Thank you Ju" she smiled and stepped back

"I have something for you" I said

"What is it?" She asked

I slipped out a paper from my pocket and gave it to her

Sarah took it and opened it

Her eyes grew wide and she squealed

"You drew me?" She asked

I nodded

Sarah hugged me

"I love it, thank you" I hugged her back and looked into her eyes

"You deserve it" I said

Sarah folded the piece and slipped it into her pocket

"When I get out of here, I'll frame it" She smiled but then her smile faded

"We'll get out of here soon" I told her

"I hope" She said

I grabbed her hand and ran out with her

"Julius!" She laughed

"Let's go get some food" I said

We entered the kitchen and got ourselves something to eat

"I'm glad we're able to get food, if they were here we wouldn't have" Sarah explained

We've been left alone for a few months but I hope they don't come back

For the rest of the day we just hung out and talked alot

"It's probably getting late" she suggested

"I agree" I smiled


"What was that?" Sarah got scared

"Let's move" We quickly got up and ran out of the kitchen

I heard talking but it was fumbled

I got closer to the wall and the voice was someone that made me feel sick


"Dre's here" I said

"We need to hide" Sarah said

"Go hide, I'll be right back" I said

"Julius no!" She screamed

I covered her mouth and placed her back into her room

I quickly get back to listening but it was so muffled

I felt myself being lifted up. I turned around to see this big ass man

"Boss I found him!" He shouted

I turned in front to see Dre

"Well shit, how yo ass still alive?" He spat

"Man put me down" I swarmed

"I guess your immune system strong, I didn't take enough blood from you" he rolled his eyes

"So that's what they did to me in that room!" I spat

"You're fucking sick" I added

"Calm down lil phsyco" he said

I became angry

Kill him

He said, and for once I agreed with his words

I kicked Dre from where I was. The man dropped me onto the ground and I began to beat him but I was taken away by big ass bounty Hunter over here

"Leave him alone!" I heard Sarah scream

I looked and there she was with a bat in her hand

She wacked big ass in his part and he groaned. She wacked him again and again


I cut myself out of my thoughts and began to fight Dre

His mouth began to bleed and he ran out. Whereas big ass over there was knocked out

I ran to Sarah

"I told you to stay inside" I smiled

"I can't let them hurt you" she smiled

I hugged her and snuggled my head into her neck

I broke away and looked at her and smiled. I grabbed her hand and carried her back into the kitchen

"You was crazy out there" I laughed

"He's big but weak" she shrugged

I busted out laughing and then looked at her

"Wasn't a good birthday huh?" I frowned

"Are you kidding? It was the best!" She smiled

"Really?" I asked

"I got to beat up big face with a bat!" She laughed

"And spend it with my Bestfriend" Sarah added


Am I blushing?

"You my ride or die" I said

I walked up to her and kissed her on her forehead

"Happy Birthday Sarah" I smiled

Dre a hoe




Trill Jxmmi🖤

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