Sleeping in Wonderland

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Today is the day. Patience is a virtue they say...and what a virtue it has been. Not to say that I haven’t enjoyed the time, oh no far from that. It was quite an obsession, if I am to be honest. My hands would start to shake, it's quite unattractive if I must say, but i can't seem to help it. The way her body seems to convulse around quite deliciously when I slice parts of her open with my favorite red dagger. It’s a favorite of mine. A... gift, if you will. I’ve always loved red. Red clothes, Red palace, red blood. Especially...hers.

Alice Alice Alice. She is such a sweetheart. A brave, charming young girl.It made me want to break her so much more. As soon as I laid eyes on  the darling little flower, I wanted to see her petals covered in blood. To see her scream in mercy whilst I slice those pretty pink rose lips open. I wished to see her wilt away because of me. I happily acquired the little hint that her lovely vessel fluids make wonderful splashes on my red garden. Her precious broken vocals dancing and tripping around the garden, helping them grow. Who knew she had such a green thumb?

She no longer looks at me with such a fierce hate. It was truly unbecoming. Her periwinkle saucers she called eyes would look at me with such disdain. I am royalty, I would not accept such disrespect. So I hung them up in one of my favorite infants room. I’ve always liked to be generous as queen. Which is why I’ve spared her life until now. A year has passed since her arrival in Wonderland. I’ve always thought of myself as a romantic.
But.. I digress.
Back to her stare….or lack thereof. I never put anything over those… sockets. She never looks at me with disgust anymore.

She’s made quite a mess.

There are red little streams all over the green grass. Bits and pieces of her pretty flesh scattered in the well kept lawn. I tell the knights to ignore her when they’re doing yardwork. I lost her fingers months ago. I was curious to see if they could replace my golf balls. They flew higher, but they were just too...angular. I was of course disappointed. She never screams anymore, I dearly miss those beloved quacks. A pity.

One day I was quite angry, I must say it was rather unladylike of me, I just ripped those plucky fingers out one day. I should have used a handkerchief, but there was an meeting and I had to hurry away. 

I was always so jealous of her willowy body. She looked like a dancing blue tulip. I despised that. It took about a week to take them all off. Her limbs, I mean. I am queen so I was quite busy. Otherwise it would’ve taken no more than a day. I’m not angry though, I had quite a good time. I used the smallest knife I had, red of course. I couldn’t tell the color eventually because it was so covered in her rosy blood. I started with her delicate fingernails. Then her piano -like fingers. Her wrist were stronger than I thought, I had to use a tad bit more force and accidentally tapped her main vein. What a surprise that was when warmth hit my lovely features. I left it on, I heard blood was good for the skin says Suzy in the palace next to me. It was quite repetitive until I got to that beautiful pale stomach. Let’s just say, she no longer has the will to eat. I had thought it a quite clever idea to give her intestines to Suzy’s younger chubby daughter. Jumping rope is a nice cardio exercise I told her. She seemed to agree. After that week, the brave Alice was no more than a wiggling stub. I was quite proud of my work and threw a huge party in the gardens afterwards.

Today is the day. Its been a year and Im losing my interest. So i’ve decided to finish this once in for all. I want to cut her throat with the red dagger, I received from my favorite dead knight. I’m still quite in a mood over that death. I want the thinning slices of red to caress my skin one more time. When will I get such youthful liquids again. I am saddened by that fact, but it has to be done. I’m thinking of a new color, so I have to get rid of the red. It was fun, brave Alice, but you shouldn’t have followed the rabbit.

Curiosity kills the Alice.

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