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The best relationships starts off as friendships first.

In you I have found the love of my life and my closest, truest friend. 
Chapter 2

The next day I went on broad again and I did not really expect to see the person I met yesterday.

Have I already told you his name? No, right?! I only knew his username and it was Ray mine was Princess. His username was his nickname and my nickname was Chay. Our nicknames even matched each other perfectly.

Again we talked about life and other general things like as in getting to know each other as well. It became a every day habit for us to talk to each other. I liked talking to him. One day he invited his friend to my broad and we also became friends. He introduced us to each other. His name was Sabby. After that all 3 of us would go on each others broad to talk.

One day his friend asked me what I did think about Ray. I got silent at that question. I mean he himself was there too! But I had no feelings for him then. Maybe I had but was not so sure of it or they were strong for him. But I did like Ray as a really good friend, kind, decent guy.

So we were still on his broad with other people who could hear us and commented beneath. I did not want that they would tease Ray or anything negative if I said "No, I don't like him."

So I just nodded my head and replied that I do like him. He's a really nice guy! I mean for real he is a nice guy if you get to know him.

Little did I know what Ray's friend tried to do. He shipped us and I guess tried to help him?! After a bit of talking to each other we all left to do our own things. Time went by like this we talking to each other, the three of us or just me and Ray talking to each other on my broad or his. But mostly if was on mine. 

But after some time we always started to go on a private broad Ray and me. Because after I made Ray my admin one day he had all the rights to kick and mute other people on my broad. But he literally kicked almost everyone that was on my broad out That was really funny to me to be honest. Because I got to find out some time later that he didn't like me talking to the people on my broad or them with me. He said that himself with his own mouth. Guess someone was a bit jealous and being possessive or protective. Since he says all the time "I don't get jealous!" even now to be honest. 

Then one day again we were on Sabby's broad and suddenly the topic of me liking Ray started again. Sabby asked me then if I wanted Ray's number. I did not really need it but did not refuse it. So he typed his number beneath in the comment section and told me to note it down. If I had no pen or a paper near me then to screenshot it. To be honest I did screenshot it, but I have never really saved his number on my phone or noted it down somewhere in case I delete the screenshot. So I never really texted him on Whats-app too.

I still only did see each other as friends  and I did not know if it was even good to start talking to each other on Whats-app. I mean it can be good but we still met online and I did need to know more about my new friend. It had just been a week or a month since we've met each other. But we really did got close to each other in a short period of time since we talked literally every day whenever we were free to each other.

We talked day and night to each other and I saw him for a month waking up, working, attending his classes, going again to work, studying, eating and sleeping. This was literally his life cycle. He seemed like a really hardworking, good, smart and mature boy to me. He was not like other boys who goofed around, drank, smoked, went to clubs or after girls or something.  He made a lot of respect for himself in my heart. I have never really seen a boy like him. The more I got to know him as time passed by the more respect I had for him. He kind of was a man that I always wished to have in my life. 

I really don't know when and how but I started liking him. My day was incomplete if I didn't talk or texted him. If we didn't talk we texted each other on Bigo. He really won my heart by saying some stuff that touched my heart a lot. 

One day we were on my private broad. And I do remember he asked my number but I didn't give it to him. But suddenly I started saying my number "06...." He was surprised by it and got a pen and a paper and started to note it down and asked me to repeat it again. I did repeat it slowly and when he asked what it is I replied him back saying it's my number. But before we started talking to each other on whats-app we used sometimes AZAR that's also an app to talk to each other.

When he got to find out I had Azar too he was like why did I never meet you there? Since he had that app too. We started to talk on that app for some time and started sleeping with each other on a call on bigo, Azar and whatsapp calls. I got to find his weird sleeping habits then. 

He used to snore a lot! And god he used to sleep talk too. For the first few days or week I couldn't really sleep, because I was not really used to it. But as time went by I got used to it. I got used to hear him snore, sleep talk, move and breath while he slept. It was so calming.

It become our habit to sleep with each other. We couldn't really sleep or sleep well anymore if we were not together on a call with each other. We waited for each other to come back from school or work just to eat together or sleep with each other. Those were some really good times! We had a lot of fun with each other while we got to know each other more. We started joking around, started talking less about serious stuff. 

I don't know how but after every call we started saying I love you to each other. To be honest he was the first person to say that and when I did not really reply to it he would I guess joke around and say "Should I say I love you too now?" I just hummed in response. But one day I did say it to him. After that I started saying it everyday to him. I still remember I found It really awkward to say it and to even pronounce his name when I got to know what his name is. Since I had the problems with Pronouncing the R. 

But he made me say I love you and his name everyday that I didn't find it awkward anymore while saying it to him and started to pronounce his name way better then how I used to. 

Let's just say the day I started saying "I love you too." To him that was the day I got to know I was in love with my friend who became my best friend. I just didn't like him anymore I started loving him. 

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