Chapter 1

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Somewhere in Afghanistan...

3:30 am

??? POV

"Everyone accounted for?" He looked to his back.

"Yes sir." One of his men said. A group of 5 people then came behind him with their backs against the wall of a warehouse.

"Alright. All teams check in." The man said through the radio.

"Bravo moving in to position."

"Charlie, standing by."

"Echo team is at the rally point."

"Delta to Alpha Lead, sitrep to follow, how copy?"

"Roger Delta, send it."

"12 men with automatic rifles. 3 of them guarding a room. 2 on the upper railing. The others are just scattered."

"What about our hostages?"

"No visual confirmation on the hostages. We suspect they're being held inside the room with 3 guards that I mentioned, over?"

"Roger that, Delta. Standby."

"Bravo, set up for breach."

"Charge is set. Ready for breach."

"Alright men. Let's do this nice and quiet. Delta, you got the 2 on the railing. Charlie, prep for exfil. Echo, maintain position."

"Roger that."

"Locked on targets."

"Bravo, prepare to breach. On my go..."




"GO! GO! GO!"

"Breaching! Breaching!"

A loud explosion was then heard...

Somewhere in South Korea...

2:00 pm

Jihyo's POV

"What was that?!" I shouted as we all heard a loud noise.

"Ouch hehe mianhe Jihyo-ah. I have no idea why I just fell from the chair." Sana said, holding her butt. Seems like it hurts.

"Alright TWICE! Time to start recording. Go to your places now!" Our manager said to us, clapping his hand.

"Alright girls! It's time." I said to my members as we all walked to our positions on the stage.

Today is February 23, 2017 and we are recording for our "Knock Knock" comeback. It's been almost 2 years since we debuted.

We performed for a few times so they can record it in different angles, with our ONCEs cheering for us. We went back to our dressing room to freshen up.

"Unnie! What are you looking at? Chaeyoung asked Mina who's on her phone.

"Eh? Ah it's nothing interesting." Mina hid her phone quickly.

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