There'll never be another (Cricky DDLB)

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"Daddy can I come with you to Uncle Justin?" Ricky asked, looking up at me with huge, teary eyes. How could I say no to my sweet angel?

"Of course little one. He has invited us for dinner," I replied unable to hide the huge grin that had formed on my face.

Ricky leaped for joy and jumped on my back almost causing me to fall over. I carried him to the car.

"Dadda I forgot ma bwankie and tewy," Ricky whined.

"Lemme put you in the car then I'll go get it okay?"

"No it fine. I don't need it," Ricky replied laughing.

"Then why did you tell me you forgot it?"

"I thought I needed it, but now I don't want it," Ricky chuckled.

I rolled my eyes and continued carrying him to the car.


Once we had reached Justin's house, Ricky jumped out of the car and ran into the house. "Yaaay uncle Justin!"

I dragged behind him. He was already in the house by now.

"Chris!" Justin called.

"Hey," I replied scanning for Ricky. "Where's Ricky. Did he even greet you?" I asked.

Justin smiled and motioned for me to go inside.

"He's just a lil' excited he made a new friend," Justin said pointing to Ricky and some curly haired boy.

"Well, aren't you cute?" I said, smiling as I looked at the boy. He looked about twenty five years of age and he was beautiful. "I'm Chris."

"Hands off Chris. He's mine," Justin joked.

"Yeah yeah," I replied before Justin led me into the kitchen.

"His name's Vinny and he's a little," Justin said.

"Well ya'll are cute. I'm happy for you. You always wanted this," I said.

Justin smiled proudly. Once we were in the kitchen, we decided to get started on dinner. One would think that when one gets invited to a dinner, one wouldn't have to cook, but that's clearly not Justin's way of thinking. Justin and I joked around as we prepared the dinner and caught up on a few things since we haven't seen each other in a long time.

"Is Ryan coming?" I asked.

"Nah, family stuff he has to take care of."

"I hope he's okay. It's a bummer. He would have been excited to meet Vinny. He's such a cutie."

Suddenly, a loud bang was heard from inside where Ricky and Vinny were watching tv. Justin and I ran inside only to find that Ricky had broken a vase.

"Rick!" I shouted. "What happened here?"

"I vewy sowy dada," Ricky replied as he kept his gaze on the floor. "We was playing with the vase but I dwopped it."

I knew he was lying because he couldn't look into my eyes.

"Oh really. Is that so Vinny?" I asked.

Vinny remained quiet and I caught him sneak a glance at Ricky.

"Answer the question truthfully Vinny!" Justin commanded.

Vinny took his fingers out of his mouth and looked up at me and Justin.

"No i-it d-d-idn't h-h-hap-pp happen like that," he said, his voice trembling as he spoke.

"I don't need to know what happened. But, I do know that you, Ricky, are in so much trouble when we get home!" I shouted. "Clean up this mess!"

Justin and I walked back to the kitchen and I felt so embarrassed by what Ricky had done.

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