The vamps preference - your best friends brother. For billie!

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This is for billie who I share this account with and she's had a really hard week and I've moved 99.7 miles away so I can't really do anything about it or any thing to help. So I hope this cheers her up! Xxxx- Lowri 😜💖

James- lowri(me!) pov
"LOWRI GET THE DOOR!"my big brother James yells from the living room as the door bell rings. "AGGGH! Your down stairs get of your lazy ass and answer!" I say plodding down the stairs, knowing full well James wasn't going to budge. I open the door to my chummie, billie. " oh hey
bea!" I say letting her in. And as soon as the words escape my lips , James is aware of who our visitor is so he dashes in to the hall way nearly tripping up which makes me chuckle. "Smooth one mcvey!" I laugh as James and billie blush. I know he has a massive crush on her, the kind of crush that every time he sees her , he plays with his messy hair and slurs his words when he is usually very well spoken.

"H-hi billie!" James smiles shyly. "Hey." Billie smiles back. "Come on let's go upstairs I've found this really cool new youtube channel I want to show you!" I say dragging the love of James' life upstairs.

After giggling constantly I decide to go and get some snacks, the usual pop tart and Oreos , tiser for her and diet coke for me. As I'm pouring the drinks I hear the floor boards on the landing creak a little then loud giggling and chatting upstairs then silence. Hmmmm I wonder what the hell is going on!i hope James isn't annoying billie attempting to chat her up , oh god I better hurry and save her! I carry the stuff upstairs and open the door for my room to see I full blown snog fest! "OH MY EYES MY POOR FRAGILE LITTLE EYES ! IM BLINDED I'VE ACTUALLY GONE BLIND!" I scream trying to contain my laughter. The snog buddies pull apart and blush furiously." Erm sorry I can explain." Billie says awkwardly. "Don't bother! I know he fancies the pants off you! As long as you agreed to that little round of tonsil tennis it's fine!" I shrug sitting on the edge of the bed. They both nod and smile.

Tristan - billies POV
I walk hand in hand along the beach with my boyfriend Tristan . We are having a little secret weekend away together to tristans home town in Devon . Well it's only a secret from my best friend and tristans twin sister Lowri. Everyone else in the band knows both our parents know my little brother knows, tristans other sister Milly knows and all our other friends know that we have been dating for a couple of months. your probably wondering , why wouldn't we tell Lowri, her being so close to us both and everything! Well tris and Lowri are quite protective of each other always have been and always will be! But they both made a pact not to go out with each others friends because it might cause drama and awkwardness! Which is fair enough but it's killing me not telling her, we tell each other EVERYTHING and i mean EVERYTHING! But me and tris agreed we would wait till the time was right to tell her.

" hey , what's bothering you?" Tristan asks softly turning his head to look at me as we walk along, this features shining in the moonlight and his perfectly sculpted jawline ...." Billie? You ok?" He asks again snapping me out my thoughts to look deep in to his eyes. " erm ehh yeah." I say looking at the ground. " no your not. I am your boyfriend i know you ! so don't lie to mi!" Tristan says in is funny fake dramatic camp voice thy always makes me giggle. " it's just Lowri ,I wanna tell her." I sigh.Tristan stops walking and his head is fixed in the place he turned it . " what's up babe?" There's no answer so I look at what he is gawping at. " fucking hell!" I gasp. Lowri and Connor. Kissing.holding hands. Laughing. Hugging. " wait till I get my hands on that boy!" Tristan growls starting to march towards them before I punch his arm and stop him. " no. Tris, they have done the same as us lets just tell them. Please." I ask. He sighs heavily, squeezes my hand softly , smiles weakly and kisses my check. " ok if you want to we will tell her now." Tristan says. "But lets have a bit of fun!" He winks.

EWWWWWW they are making out again eww oh god EWWWWWW! "excuse me did it not spring to your mind to tell your brother you were snog buddies with his band mate! " Tristan says with a smug look on his face . The pair brake apart and stare at us. "Oh crap!" She mumbles turning on her heels to face Tristan . " oh crap indeed!" Tristan says, I try not to laugh at him teasing Lowri like this! " Tris, I promise you it's not what it looks like..." Connor starts. "No no don't you start. I know exactly what this is! You want to do the hanky pancky with my sister is that it!?" He says towering above Connor ,attempting to look hard! But I can't help but nearly wee myself laughing! " bea! What the hell!" Lowri mustn't of seen me before, she rushes over and hugs me! "What you doing here!?" She looks and Tristan then back at me again. "OH MY GOD! YOUR LOVE BUDDIES!!" She squeals! "Oh my god you two are just prefect for each other! Why didnt I know about this! OFICAL OTP!!!!! " she giggles. "Oh shut up you!" Tristan says nudging her. " now mr ball! You brake my sisters heart I brake your face! " Tristan chuckles. "OI Evans break my CHUMMIES heart I brake your neck!" Lowri says. "Hey! I'm your brother!" Tris says pretending to be offended. "Haha hoes before bros!" We all burst out laughing and go out for a double date!

Connor -billies pov
Me and my boyfriend Connor head to the the tattoo parlour to get our new piercings done . "What you getting babe?" Connor asks. " rooks on my ear I think. You?" I say fiddling with my other ear piecing. "Thats cute. And I'm gonna get my nose done!" He says wiggling his nose, making my laugh.

I sit in the chair as the heavily tattooed man shoved a needle in my ear and Connor grips my hand and soothes me by making me laugh and pulling funny faces at me. Then it was connors turn and I did the same for him. "My nose is saw! " He whines as we step out the shop. "Aw come here!" I kiss connors nose softly. "Better!" He says.

We head home and I sit on the sofa whilst connor is performing live in xfactor with the boys. . I get a text from my best friend and connors sister, Lowri.
L- hey Chummie what u love birds been up to today?😉xxxx
B- hey chumbalina! We both got new piercings! Xxxx
L-OMG! Where? Xxxx
B- I got my rooks done!*sends pic* xxxx
L-awesome ! What about the brother? xxxx
B-he's on TV in 5 mins you'll see hes got a nose piercing!Xxxx
B- oh chummie!*face palms* 😂xxxx
L-oh right in his nose! Silly me! 😂Xxxx

Brad- billies pov
"Oh my god!" I gasp as I stare at my best friend unconscious on a hospital bed. Cuts and scars across her face arms and head. Me and my boyfriend ,brad sit next to her bed , holing hands and the other hand holing lowris. " why did i let her drive to ours any way!?" Brad yells quietly in frustration. "she only just passed her licence and a lorry drives into her!" He says stroking his sisters hand with his thumb. " brad, it's just her luck bless her." I say softly. " it's all my fault I should of made sure she was safe!" He lets a tear escape his eyes. " it's not your fault." I say kissing his check. " I'm just scared she won't wake up." I say as tears pour out of my eyes. Brad pulls me into his side and kisses my head. " she will, my sister is strong I know she is." Brad whispers. " I wanted her to be a bridesmaid at our wedding and auntie to our children." I stiff. " your getting married!?" I croaky , lazy voice says. " OMG Lowri! We thought you might die!" Bradley says hugging Lowri. " nah I've got way to much bridesmading and auntiing to do!" She giggles. " oh thank god your ok!" Me and brad say." Just hurry up and get better and you can try your dress on !" I say. "So here's a magazine with mcbusted in it and some chocolate to make you better. "Thank you chummie ams bro!"

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