Chapter 2

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"What is this?!"
"Help! Please help me!!"
"Someone get me out of here!"
"Father, mother am i going to die?"
Your POV

Why is it so dark? Why can't i move? What happened? Think (Y/n). Think.

WWSD. What would Senku do?


Count! Yes, he must have counted.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,..., 109,903,761,002. Wow i've counted without loosing my consciousness. I'm impressed. It's been 3588 years or so. It's been so long since i trapped in this darkness without even moving even an inch.

If i'm awake, i have to be awake on spring, summer or fall. If i'm awake on winter, i'll be damned. There isn't much food source and maybe my clothes are shattered. I'll be dead either from starve to death or freeze to death.

I got bored in counting eventually and trying to remember all of the songs i've listened to when i could move and replayed them in my head.

What is Senku doing right now? Probably counting like i did.

Suddenly one day...


I could see a dim of light from my right eye and began to move my body. I blinked a few times before i could see a fairly tall person with long brunette hair. I could tell who's the person immediately.

Shishio Tsukasa.

"Welcome back (Y/n)", he said with a small smile. I woke up from my current position and sat up I looked down and realized i haven't gotten any clothes. So that's why it's a little chilly out here but i didn't care if i was naked. "Wow,if it wasn't the invincible Shishio Tsukasa...", i smirked. "I believe we know each other so that we won't need any introduction. Let me explain...", i stopped him right there. "I wake up on 3600 years in the future, aren't i?", i sighed heavily as i stood in front of him. His eyes widened "Close, but how do you know?" "I counted duh.", i said sarcastically. "But i got bored and i didn't know what date is it anymore." I put my hands on my hips.

"Damn... it's cold. Do you have any other clothes with you?"


I put on the clothes he had and came out from the cave. It really has changed. Nothing was left from the previous world except for the stones. "I see you have been clothed.", Tsukasa said as he approached me and i hummed in response. "Now, can you tell me what happened?", i said. "I was awoken a month ago by a scientist with his revival water."

'A scientist? And what revival water?'

"He told me that he was going to revive everyone, even the men with rotten hearts."

'Rotten hearts?'

"Do you think the past world is a paradise, (Y/n)?"

"No, not really."

"As expected, you'd say that. I want to rebuild this world with innocent youths and he refused to do that, so i killed him instead."


"If he succeed making his science weapons, he might stop me from doing that."

"Doing what?"

"Reviving the innocent youths."

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