~ Riverside ~Shiny shininess -
trace the riverside
and watch
skinny light skim
on untouched gold
under water, under sand
proud of it's un-discovery.
Animal tongues
at water surface
flicker at sweet ripples
and friendly fish pass
swaying in harmony
followed by friendlier fish;
happy riverside.
Ears prick, suspicion.
You stare into deer eyes
that stare back at you,
twinkling innocence,
vast, starry globes -
mysterious galaxies,
light skimming again,
a reflection of you.
No, you may not be let in
you are too vague
to be trusted, suspicion
glowing amber eyes turn away,
leaving you to the wind,
still forest wind,
and sounds
of heavy feet crushing wood,
cold voices,
black metal in hand..
you are one of them.
[Nov 15th-2014]