Coffee Date

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Established Relationship / Past / Character Development/ Coffee / Regret

Katsuki gripped the coffee cup in his hand with frustration. He was on a simple stupid date with Shoto and yet he forgot his damn wallet and now is taking longer to get here. Katsuki took a big sip feeling how the liquid slides down his throat leaving a painful burn. But aside from the heat burning his throat, the latte made him relax a bit as he sinks into his chair. He could smell the aroma of coffee beans and peppermint.

Till he suddenly heard a voice that sent a shiver down his spine. It knocked him out of his calming trance. He never thought he would hear this voice again, and he never wanted to again.

"Bakugou? Is that really you? Wow it is!" It was Akimitsu one of Katsukis old middle school friends. Katsuki could hear the disgust and fakeness in his voice. Akimitsu wasn't nessessarily a bad person, but Katsuki damn well knew that he didn't like him. I mean who would? This is middle school Katsuki he knew, even the blonde himself wanted to rip apart his middle school self.

Just seeing Akimitsus ugly face and long ragged hair made Katsuki feel regret swimming through his body. He felt disgusted with his old self and some random dude who was as fake as All Mights muscle form wasn't helping.

"Fuck off." Katsuki waves him away signaling him to leave him alone. And just before Akimitsu could respond Shoto comes pacing up to them, with the sound of keys clinking. He quickly sat down on the other side of the table, placing his belongings in front of him.

"Sorry." Shoto simply says than looks up at Akimitsu. He gives a small wave with a concerned look.

"You're hanging out with Bakugou here? I'm surprised he was actually able to make friends with the way he acts." Akimitsu looks at Shoto closer "Especially someone so popular and pretty. Don't you have a reputation to remain" He chuckles

Katsuki felt anger boiling inside of him. How dare he treat him that way! This asshole doesn't know shit about Katsuki now so why would he even try! He could feel his palms heat up and his body quickly becomes tense.

"HOW ABOUT YOU FUCK OFF AND MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESSES!" Katsuki stands up slamming the table, as he yells. Everyone in the cafe looks towards them with curiosity and fear. Employes were too scared to say anything, and some kids ran to their parents. His hands were slammed on the table so hard that he could still feel them tingling. Katsuki was boiling, how dare this Akishitface mess up his date. He may have been dating Shoto for about half a year now, but this is their first official date and it set Katsuki into sparks that it is being ruined.

He would never admit it, but he was excited for this date. He wanted to be the best boyfriend and this dumbass is ruining it! Katsuki was gonna kill this damn twerp for ruining his damn moment of happiness. He felt sparks emitting from his hands as the lay pressed on the table. But suddenly he felt a cold hand press against his and the sweet look Shoto gave was peering at him. Shoto rubbed his thumb in Katsukis knuckles trying to cool the blonde down.

"Katsu" Shoto mumbled and then looked at Akimitsu with anger in his eyes. "I'm not sure if you meant that in a rude way, but he is improving everyday and will become an amazing hero. He may get angry or be rude or mean but he is truly an amazing person. It sucks you can't see that."

"It was partly a joke. But I respect your choice of whatever is happening between you two." Akimitsu than walks away before Katsuki could land a hit on him.

Katsuki paces out of the cafe, he deserved that. Akimitsu wasn't an evil or bad person, Katsuki knew that and he knew why he said all that. His entire middle school Akimitsu always told him he went too far whenever he bullied Izuku, he was right. But stubborn, rude, stuck up middle school him could never face that. Everytime he thought about his old self he cringed, a shiver would roll down his spine and he felt like vomiting.

Shoto walled over to Katsuki and grabbed his hand. They were both standing outside, it was cold but quite and calm. Katsuki had told Shoto everything he did before, everyone he hurt, everything he did to Izuku. And yet here Shoto was, still with him Katsuki couldn't understand why.

Shoto laid his forehead against Katsukis. "Wanna go back to the dorms?" Shoto whispers as he heats up his left hand and cups Katsuki face.

"Yeah." Katsuki mumbles back. But before Shoto let's go of the blonde, he puts the hand that was previously cupping Katsukis face to move his messy hair out of the way. Shoto places a small kiss on his forehead. They then turn around and walk back to school, hand in hand.

Katsuki will probably never understand why Shoto is with him, or how he has the magic ability to calm the angry boy down. But either way he felt so fucking lucky!

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