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Short / Wholesome / Established Relationship

    One of the most annoying things to Katsuki was Shotos plain face. Which he doesn't mean on an attractive scale, Katsuki knew Shoto was hot as fuck. What he did mean was he rarely showed any type of emotion and it pissed Katsuki off to the core. It's different now though. Ever since they started dating Katsuki learned every facial expression Shoto was capable of making. Sometimes it was the slightest change, like an eyebrow twitch for Katsuki to know what his boyfriend was feeling. 

    Katsuki has even seen Shoto make visible facial expressions. Which is mostly during unspeakable times. The times he loves the most though are the sweet smiles. So sweet and small yet Katsuki can feel his heart banging on his chest trying to burst out. 


    "You really wanna watch Frozen huh?" Katsuki asks. All day Shoto has pleaded to watch the movie. Specifically with Katsuki. Something about how it's better if he was there? Yet he denied, it was a dumb kids movie that he had no intrest in watching. He was sure he wasn't going to watch it, but Shoto ended up being an extra brat because of it. 

    "Yes." Shoto answered immediately, his face lit up. 

    "Fine! Fucking whatever, I'll watch the dumbass movie with you. As long as you promise to stop being a brat!" Katsuki knew it was more than a movie. Shoto was going through a whole reliving his childhood front. He even went as far as to try hot soba, which did not go over well.

    "Thank you, Katsu." Shoto murmurs moving closer to the blonde. His lips twitch upward into a soothing smile. Katsuki swears he is about to throw up with how tight his stomach feels. 

    "Stop!" Katsuki huffs pushing Shoto away. His palm fully covers the dual haired boy's face.

    "Stop what?"

    "Doing that face!"

    "What face?"

    "That annoying smile! Where you make yourself look all soft and kissable and shit!" Katsuki admits, crossing his arms. 

    There it is! Shotos face lights up with the same smile, a little chuckle added. "Doesn't sound like you find it annoying?"

    "Ah, just shut up!"


    Shoto was an attractive guy, which is a thing Katsuki knew better than everyone. Even though fangirls would draw him in a cute anime art style smiling and laughing, Katsuki got to see the real thing. Which no one in the world could take that away from him.

    Katsuki thinks Shoto is the most beautiful being to walk this planet. Yet, he also knows Shoto can be just as ugly as everyone else. Yet love has made the blonde think that even at Shotos ugliest he was still beautiful. Which made him want to violently puke.

    In his heart though, Katsuki knew he wasn't the only one to admire the others facial expressions. His annoying boyfriend would always pry into him while he is working, saying cute things.


    Katsuki could feel the penetrating stare from Shoto. It peered through his mind. No matter how hard he tried to focus he kept getting distracted by the eyes on him.


    "Oh sorry. You just looked so concentrated. It was cute." Shoto admits, placing a light kiss upon Katsukis pale skin. 

    "Well I'm trying to fucking focus! That extra mission I took up made me fall behind on paperwork." Katsuki waved a hand, trying to shoo Shoto away. "Go watch TV or something." 

    "Hm. Fine. You better not work all day tomorrow though." Shoto whines. "I'll miss this cute face you're making though."

    "Shut it! I'll make up this day later ok?" Katsuki rolls his eyes. How could Shoto say such stuff so naturally?



    How did Katsuki ever get so lucky? To be with the love of his life, to be with the man of his dreams. To learn every little facial expression this expressionless man can make. It made his heart melt into a gooey mesh. He felt it drip into his stomach, causing the butterflies to flutter even more. Even now, even in his thoughts, Shoto finds a way to make him melt. 



I am unpublishing some chapters, that I'm not so proud of. Right now, I only have 2 unpublished.

I'm also going to be going through and adding "info" in the chapters. Basically a little thing at the beginning to add some information to the oneshot.


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