Chapter One- Cecilia

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~Cecilia Parker~

"GET OUT! GO AWAY!" My mother shrieked in her drunken rage. Throwing things across the dimly lit living room. She picked up the pea green lamp out of the electrical socket and launched it across the room. It hit the opposite wall and shattered into a million pieces.

"Mom stop!" I yelled. She had awoken me from the little sleep i managed to get. I padded across to her and placed my hand on her shoulder gently. She violently shrugged it off.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" She screamed into my face.

"HE LOVED ME UNTIL YOU CAME AND IT ALL! YOU RUINED EVERYTHING, HE WAS MY LIFE!" She was going on about my father again. Whenever she got overly drunk she would do this, and it would honestly hurt me. It hurts me that she actually thinks that.

I stood there. I stood there for God knows how long, just waiting for the familiar rage to be done. Then it happened. The flood of tears poured from her red, itchy eyes. But this time...I didn't help. I didn't try to go and console her. I watched from above. My "mother's" slender and bony body, tangled in waterworks and mayhem on the beat up carpet. Giving a heaving sigh, I grabbed a tattered, old blanket from the worn out, maroon sofa and draped it over her weak body. Shortly after, I walked shakily from the room, giving one last glance at the woman who raised me.


4:30 a.m. came quicker than I had anticipated. I was beyond fatigued due to my mother's blatant outburst shortly after midnight, roughly the time when she came stumbling through the door, mumbling unnecessary obscenities while fumbling with the key in the lock. "Why didn't I just leave the door unlocked?" I thought to myself through my groggy stupor. With a slight groan, I rolled out of my sorry excuse of a mattress. I walked down the hall, the shitty floorboards squeaking under my feet. Making my way to our make shift bathroom, I pass by the living room. She's still there, passed out in a ball on the floor, blanket glued to her back. I shake my head in a sad disbelief as I continue my journey to the bathroom. I flip the switch on, only to have a tiny amount of good light to assist me in getting ready for the day. As much as I dreaded the thought of working this mourning, I knew I had to. Just so we were able to keep that poor quality lighting available to us.

I took a long look in the mirror before blatantly stripping down to nothing, letting ratty clothes lay askew on the cold floor. Once I was naked, I looked back at the dull oval, known as a mirror. My reflection was nearly horrifying in my eyes. Dark red hair that snaked down my back and shoulders with side cut bangs. Soft, yet intense, deep blue eyes that could pierce your soul. Big pinkish lips and a strong jawline all accented my heart shaped and surprisingly flawless face. I have very prominent collar bones as well as wrist bones. My skin is pale, white as snow and cold, cold like ice. I felt cold-blooded, as if I was an actual snake, but one with feet that can walk instead of slither around menacingly. To go along with my porcelain skin, I have faint, pink scars of different shapes and sizes that appear every so often on my appalling body, most were of my own doing...

I arrived at work with minutes to spare. The brisk Pennsylvania air hitting my face as I quickened my pace to get to the Cheveron on the courner block. Luckily, I managed to sneak in through the back door without being noticed by my older, fat ass boss. He was always giving me creepy grins and stares. Even with me being just a few months shy of 18, it was still unnerving and rather appaulling. I swiftly made my way to the back of the mini store to check in and prepare for work by looking to see what tasks needed to be completed for the mourning.

After about an hour of nonstop stalking of filthy, crummy shelves with over priced unhealthy junk food, I just so happen to be wiping off my hands on my worn out skinnies, when the ding from the little bell announces that a new customer has entered the store. My eyes widen, I have never seen him before in my whole life. He seemed so...perfect. Six foot, at least. Dirty blonde hair, that just barely brushed his emerald green eyes. An adorable, black, Anthem Made beanie sat perfectly on his head. His skin was just as pale and flawless as mine, maybe even more so. When I looked closer, I noticed he had small plugs that had mustaches on them in his ears, I giggled a little. That was clearly a mistake.

He noticed me. I was dying to know his name. I bet it was as beautiful as his outward appearance. But that didn't mean I wanted a confrontation with him. He turned towards me, probably to see who the culprit was that dared to laugh at him, and somehow I was wrong about that. He wasn't angry at all. He took a glance at me and gave a smirk. My heart skipped a beat, I swear it did. Casually, he made his way over to me, that little smirk turning in to a full on smile, exposing his pearl white teeth. I tried to contain any happiness I could posses, but some of it slipped and I smiled back. His gorgeous green eyes skimmed over my pointless name tag and his smile grew, as did mine.

"So, whatcha find funny, Ms. Cecila?" he questioned with a purr in his voice.

"I-I....ummm....Your...plugs...they're really cute..." is what my lips were able to stutter. That cute smirk returned.

"Oh. Why thank you. But you know, this guy thinks you're pretty cute. Never mind my mustaches." he chuckled and I blushed.

"Thank you," I mumbled. "Who is this guy though?" I asked. "Hmmm, well, that would be me." I gave a little smirk.

"Okay, and what is this "me" guys name?"

"It would be Kellin, my dearest."

I melted inside. It was so beautimous. I was right. For once in my life, I was right about something. Kellin just seemed so perfect in every way. Nothing he told me could change that, not even his past. I was just hoping he'd feel the same way.

"Soooo, how can I be of assistance, Mr. Kellin?"

He shrugged as if he didn't know, but eventually spoke up. "How do you know I didn't just drive all the way over here to see some jaw-dropping girl everyone has been talking about, hmm?"

The walls around my heart rebuilt themselves. My guard went back up, and I snapped back into reality. No one could have been talking like that about me. No one. It just wasn't possible. No. My eyes shot to the ground and I sighed.

"So, ummm, what exactly did you need, because I'm kind of busy and need to get to school soon?"

He stared at me, almost hurt that I didn't automatically flirt in return, I could see it in his eyes. That's all I ever did, was hurt people, simple as that. Yet, despite how upset he should have been, or how he probably should have walked away, calling me "bitch", or some other obscene name, he stayed and put that smile back on his face. Maybe he thought I was just having a bad day, or some shit.

"Well, now I'm kind of curious as to what school you go to, because I stopped in to ask for directions to my new school." He replied.

I gaped at him for an instant. "Oh, I... I go to Hempfield High school..." I answered, trailing off.

I notice him knit his eyebrows in thought, as if he was confused. Maybe to how my response sounded; I was acting rather odd compared to most people. I dunno. 

I looked up at him with a sigh, "Well, I can't like, give you a ride or anything to give directions, if that's what you were hinting at."

He chuckled, "Actually, sweetheart, my intentions were to give you a ride."


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