Chapter 20 Not a secret...

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The last few days of winter break past by quickly before you even knew it and it was the night before school.........
You decide to prepare your outfit for school so you don't at least look like a bum and you come out with:

You decide to prepare your outfit for school so you don't at least look like a bum and you come out with:

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And then I laid down on my soft comfy bed looking at TikToks slowly drifting into sleep.....
DING DING DING!!!!(the alarm)
You wake up with your hair in a mess and you quickly take a morning shower.....after that you get dressed and walk down stairs waiting for Alejandro and Alvaro so you guys can go to school
In Y/n head~ damn its to early for this shit!
You see Alvaro and Alejandro walk down and walk out the door
Y/n~ waaiiittt for meeeeee!
Alejandro ~ ahahahahaha
Alvaro ~ no one told you to be slow
Y/n~ no one said to be short!
Alvaro ~ but we're the same height!
Y/n~ well to me you look short💀👎🏼
You all start roasting and laughing with each other on the way to school like old times even with Mattia coming along half of the way
Mattia~ whatcha guys talkin about
Alvaro~ this dumbo thinks she's taller than me!
Y/n~ this midget acts like he's cute!
Mattia~ welp hate to break it to y'all but you guys are twins soooooo you guys are the same height!
Alejandro ~ that's facts I just was listening to them arguing 😂
You guys continue talking until you guys finally reach school......
Everyone was staring at you guys but in a different way, some were looking at us smiling and waving hi and some were just looking at us in envy......
Y/n~ why everyone staring now?
Alvaro~ when is their not any day where someone's not staring at us.......
Y/n~ true
You all go back and sit down at the table and notice Victoria and Jenna looking at you but you don't really care because she knows that you'll beat her ass if she tries to do anything....
You guys are eating and then you feel a tap on the back so you look back and it's a guy
And you realize who it is

It's Zach aka Zsmittty from TikTok!!!You play it off so you don't seem exitedY/n~ your zsmittty from TikTok right?!Zach ~ you can just call me Zach but umm ur that girl from TikTok right;p? Y/n~ yea whyZach~ well I'm a new student here and needed ...

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It's Zach aka Zsmittty from TikTok!!!
You play it off so you don't seem exited
Y/n~ your zsmittty from TikTok right?!
Zach ~ you can just call me Zach but umm ur that girl from TikTok right;p?
Y/n~ yea why
Zach~ well I'm a new student here and needed some new friends, we should hang out sometimes you know he says while winking at you like😉
You look back at Alejandro staring aggressively at him then you stare at the boys awkwardly staring and eating their food like😐😦
Y/n~ uhh nice meeting you igz
Zach~ yea I'll see you later then
He leaves then you look back at Alejandro and his face was red, you can tell he was mad
The boys kept continuing eating so you lightly kick Alejandro in the leg so he can look at you
He looks up but then looks down again
You kick him again but a little more aggressive
So his leg hits the top of the table and all the boys are just staring at him and you look down just slightly laughing at him
You think it was very cute that he was jealous over someone your not with
The bell rings to go to class but on the way you stop Alejandro and say
Y/n~ what's wrong you say whispering
Alejandro ~ idk go ask your crush Zach he says all mad
Y/n~ Ahahah awwww your maddddd
Alejandro ~ no I'm not!
Y/n~ aww it's okay I only LOVE youuuuuu
Alejandro ~ okay that sounds better!
Someone suddenly walks past so you walk away from Alejandro
When that person was out of sight Alejandro raced up to you quickly saying
Alejandro ~ wtf was that for?
Y/n~ remember we said our relationship is secret
Alejandro ~ mannnn why can't we make this public?
Y/n~ because to much rumors would be spread just wait boooo
Alejandro ~ okay fine
You both walk into class and listen to your annoying ass teacher talk about your English lesson...........
(Fast forward the whole day of school)
Your walking out of class and start walking toward the front of the school where you wait for Alejandro and Alvaro so you guys can go home
You look as everyone goes into their buses and cars going home then you hear a voice and it's............
(To Be Continued.........)

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