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I was at my house with one my friends (that had gotten me into acting and was there when I first started my first movie role)talking about what Ben had did

"But you hate him" Jennifer said

"I don't hate him, it's just he was a total dick to me. And after the date he just acted nice to me all of sudden." I said

"That's odd" she said

"I know. and get this I asked him why he hated me and he looked all butt hurt. like dude I'm just asking why" I said

"That is pretty weird" she said, "maybe you should invite him over"

"I don't know. He maybe busy with his family" I said

"Just text him" she said

"Ugh why?" I asked, " my phone is upstairs"

"Okay fine how about movie?" She said as my house started ringing

"Ok let me just get the phone and you choose the movie" I said

"Got it" she responded

I got up from the couch and walked towards the phone.

"Hello this Vanessa Krontz" I said

"Hey Vanessa" I herd Thomas on the phone

"Oh hi Thomas" I said

"I was wondering if maybe you can swing by" he asked as I picture him scratching the back of his neck

"Oh I'm sorry, but I've got a friend-" I said but cut off by him

"I've actually have old friend as well" he said

"Ok alright. Be there in 10 or 15 minutes" I said

"Bye love" he said

"Bye" I said

"JENNIFER!" I said

"Yeah" she said popping into the kitchen

"Were you ease dropping?" I asked laughing

"Maybe but let's go" she said grabbing my hand

~about 10 minutes later~

I knocked on the door to see Thomas and breath taking smile.

"Hey Ness" he said kissing me on the cheek


"Hey Tom" I said smiling back

"Please come in" he said

"Oh Tom this Jennifer and this Thomas...my boyfriend" I said

"Nice to meet you" she said

"DYLAN! Sorry he's probably using the loo" he said

"I'm coming" says a deep american accent, Yay! I'm not only american!

"Ness and Jennifer this is Dylan, Dylan this is Ness and Jennifer" Thomas said

"Dylan? Dylan O'Brien?" I questioned I swear that name sounds familiar

"Yeah? Vanessa?" He asked he remembers

"Oh my god" I ran up to him and hugged him

"Um how do you know each other?" Thomas asked as we unhugged. yes that is new word.

"We had both lived in the same neighbor hood and we were best friends until he went to start his career" I said

"Wow how've you've been?" Dylan asked

"I've been great. I lost the braces and dyed my hair brunette" I said

"Wow you look...amazing" he said

"Thanks. you dashing yourself" I said

"So how's your parents?" Dylan asked but before I could ask Thomas cut me off.

"Let's watch a movie yeah?" Thomas asked

"Yeah I guess" I said

Boy whats wrong with him



I hope you liked it

Cause I think it sort of sucks

I wish the guy I like liked me back

But you know! It's reality calling 😒

Sometimes I wish my life was like a fanfic 😂😂✋ doesn't everybody?

Well ily sexy ducklings



Heart-Ache on the Big Screen||Thomas Brodie-Sangster (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now