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Today is finally the day.

I put on my dress I've been waiting for months to wear.

I look in my mirror and smile. My step-brother, John, came in and he was all dress up in a nice black and white tux....and a Mickey Mouse tie.

"Why are you wearing that?" I laughed

"What? This?" He said pointing at his tie

I nodded my head

"Well you see I was into this disney feeling" he said

"You do know we're going to the movie premiere, we're not meeting Mr. Walts grave here" I said trying to make a joke but failed

"Hahaha" he laughed sarcastic

"I'm just sayin" I put my arms in defense

"Well I'm gonna wear it" he said as Thomas comes in....with the exact tie as he did.

"Oh my" I said

"Oh yeah I bought Thomas one too" John said

Did I mention that ever since Thomas and John met they've been like brothers?

"Don't I look great babe?" He asked

I put my hands on to my face. luckily I didn't have make-up on.

"Please tell me this is a joke" I say just as my step-dad comes in with the exact tie as well. why. out of all the ties that one.

My mom soon came into the room to take a picture, I pouted and the guys smiled.

"Ok boys time to take off the ties" my mom said

"I don't know" John said, "I think I might keep it on" I gave him a cold stare "okay okay, I'll switch"

"Thank youuuu" I sang, everybody left my room besides my mom

"Oh ness" she said almost gonna cry

"Mom please don't" I said coming to hug her

"It's just my little girl is growing up." her tears started coming out

"Mom" I said unwrapped my arms around her and looked at her

"Mom I'll always be your little girl" I spoke, "I couldn't ever be any happier that you are here with me"

"I love you"she said

"And I love you" I said

"Now come on. let's get your make up done. we don't need any professional to do it" she said pulling me to my walk in closet

-about 15 minutes later-

"Oh my" she said, "Vani you look beautiful"

"Aw mom" i said looking in the mirror as well, "mom thank you so much"

"Robert!" She yelled when footsteps came up to see Robert looking at me

"Wow" he said, "Tonya you did amazing"

"I do what I can do" my mom said, "well I better get ready as well"

They both left my room leaving me behind. I look at myself and left. I walked through the living room or like how thomas says it Telly room. I don't get how Americans came up with living room.

I see Thomas on the couch

"Hey handsome" I said sitting on his lap

"Hello beautiful" he said back

"Whatcha doing" I said

"Just thinking of what will happen" he said

"What do you mean?" The questioned also rounded in my head

"I mean what are we going to do when after this cinema premiere." he said

"Again what do you mean?" I said

"I mean aren't you moving America soon. I'm going to be starting the scorch trials soon" he said and I got off his lap and he looked up at me

"You think I'm moving back?" I said surprised

"Don't all Americans" he said

"Wow" I said, "you really want me to leave don't you" wow that almost sounded like a line from one of my scenes

"No Vanessa" he said standing up and touching my arm as I yanked it away from him

"Your cheating on me aren't you?" I asked

He stood silent.

"Please Vanessa let explain" he said

"When did it happen?" I asked not looking at him

"A month ago" he said

"Get out" i said

"Vanessa plea-" he said

"Get out! I don't want you in my life! I regret everything I did with you! I regret that one time we kiss! I regret being in this movie with you!" I speak louder every time, and I speak lies every time

"Vanessa you don-" he said in tears

"I mean it Thomas get out" I said and a tear of my own fell. luckily I had water proof mascara

"I'm sorry Vanessa" he said, "I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry I was a bad boyfriend. I'm sorry I cheated. I promise it was only one time"

"Thomas get out" I said

"Please I love you" he said, "I mean it"

"Get out" I said

"I'm sorry" he said

"For fucks sakes get out" I say mad and he does as I ball my eyes out


Ouch that kinda hurt writing

I know I suck at writing no need to tell me

Well I'm sorry I didn't update last week or the week after that 😁 I'm a bad author

Ily my sexy ducklings



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