Chapter 1

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I wake in my room with a massive headache. The curtains are drawn. I sit up but my head continues to spin. The door to my room opens and one of Father's advisors walks in. He closes the door and hurried to my side.

"Thank God you are awake," he whispers.

"Why? Why am I back here? Where's my father?" I ask as I sit up and ignore the pounding.

"We were hoping you would know. You are the only one who returned."

Pieces of the trip slowly fill in. The games and festivities, the girl and the wind, and the fighting. Everything coming back in small chunks. Then finally my father. I remember watching him fall off a cliff as the enemy shoves him over the edge.

"My father is dead," I whisper in disbelief.

The man looks at me in disbelief. "Are you sure?"

Nodding my head I look at him. "My father was pushed off of a cliff. I watched him die. My father is dead."

He gives a small nod. "Then I suggest we take immediate action. You are the king now, Agnarr. Tell me what needs to be done and it shall happen."

My stomach drops as I look around the room. I am king. I am hardly a teenager, and now I'm a king.

"No. I can't be. I'm not ready to be King yet," I said as I swing my legs over the side of my bed and sit.

"But you are. And we need to know what to do."

I think for a second. There has to be a way to postpone any sort of coronation. But for now I have to think logically. "We need to prepare for mourning. Mourning for my father, and the soldiers lost in the forest. I will decide what will happen next."

The advisor nods. "Right away. I will give the announcement to the rest of the council, and you may address the kingdom later. Rest, Agnarr. You need the strength."

With a bow he turns and leaves the room. Something draws my attention to the window. A tug that I cannot resist. My feet move on their own as I walk to the window and look out. The window overlooks the main plaza of Arendalle, and the bustling life that takes place. Do the people know what happened? Are they aware there is a new King of Arendalle?

A young girl catches my eye. She does not loo much older than I am, but she sticks out in the crowd with her heavier clothing. Was she someone who escaped the mist as I did? She turns around in the crowd and looks up at me. From here I can see her soft smile as she raises her hand in a gentle wave. I return the wave, but only a half hearted smile.

She takes off and disappears into the crowd of people. I look for her but as if by magic she is gone. Who was that girl?

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