Chapter 3

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Weeks have passed since Father died. It has been decreed that I will not be crowned king until I am 18, nearly five years from now.

People have been in and out since I have returned. I have more flowers now than I will ever know what to do with. People have finally finished wearing black and the colors of Arendalle are showing once again; a more preferable sight. The only reminder I have of the Enchanted Forest is the splintering headache I receive once in a while. That and the girl.

I'll pear out my window and catch her with another young woman. The last few weeks we have started a little game. Everyday at noon I will catch her with the woman sitting outside of a shop not far from the gates of the palace. Even when the woman is not out with her she is still there. We share a lunch from our respective places or have a little fun. I still do not know her name.

It is noon now and I sit outside on this lovely day. I have a sandwich in front of me and I am waiting for this mysterious girl to come out. When she does, she is alone; the woman remaining inside. She has a tea cup and a plate as she takes a seat. She looks up and spots me and gives a warm smile. I wave down and she waves back. No one seems to notice.

We share our lunch and smile. She looks away for a moment as the woman steps out to speak with her. With one last wave she disappears back into the shop. Our lunch is over.

I return back inside to no one waiting for me. I pause for a moment in front of a family portrait. My mother holding me as a baby, and my father standing behind us looking proud to finally be a father. I hardly remember anything about my mother; her memory slowly fading. I do remember her kindness and the life she brought to the palace. I miss her dearly.

Moving past the portrait I pause next to the meeting room. It was evident that some meeting was going on. I step closer to listen.

"He is unfit to rule. He needs to be removed," a voice said.

"He is the crown prince. We will do nothing of the sort. He will rule once he turns 18," and other said.

"Five years? This kingdom will be run into the ground by then."

"Then our king will bring it back. It was decreed at his birth, and decreed just a few sort weeks ago. Agnarr will be king."

There was a beat of silence. "He will never be my king."

"Then You can leave Arendelle. I hear the Southern Isles are wonderful this time of year. I'm sure that scum of a king would love to have you in his court."

There was more silence. Then a guard walked up to me and scared me before I could hear the rest. I responded by saying I was just passing and quickly left the hall.

Slipping into my room I took deep breaths and tried to process what all I heard. Someone was preparing overthrow the crown. I had never heard that voice before, it is not someone from my advisory. That makes me even more worried. This man could be anywhere in the palace and the kingdom.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2020 ⏰

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