Chapter 4: The First Days

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Albus woke up early the next day, still proud of being a Gryffindor. He walked downstairs and saw Tyler and Quinn sitting at the fire, talking. "Morning!" Albus said, and they both spun around to look at him.

"Hi Albus, had a nice sleep?" Tyler asked, and Albus nodded. He walked towards the fire and sat down next to Quinn.

"Do you guys know what classes we have today?" she asked, and Albus shook his head.

"I believe there are schedules in the Entrance Hall. We could go and look?" Tyler said, and jumped up. "Let's go."

Albus and Quinn followed him out of the portrait hole, and they ran across the stairs, which luckily enough didn't move while they were crossing them. "Right here, look!" Tyler said, when they were in the Entrance Hall. He pointed at the parchment hung on the wall. It said they first had Transfiguration, then Potions, lunch, Charms and Herbology. Quinn grunted when she saw with who they would have Potions and Charms. They had them with Slytherin.

"Great. Now Ervin gets to see me failing badly in these classes. Luckily enough we have Transfiguration with Hufflepuff and Herbology with Ravenclaw." Albus said, and Quinn sighed.

"I suppose we should get ready for today. It's the first day, so very important." Quinn said, and they walked back to Gryffindor Tower.

When they arrived at Gryffindor Tower Rose was sitting in a chair, reading through a Transfiguration book. "Good morning Rose." Quinn said, and Rose shut her book.

"Where did you come from?" she asked.

Albus said, "We went to look at our schedule."

Rose looked at him and Tyler said, "Why do you have all those books? Lessons haven't even started yet!"

Rose turned her look to him and snapped. "Well, if we want to be good in class, I should learn if I were you."

Albus didn't like the tone and muttered: "Not everyone tries to be brilliant by just poking their noses in books."

Rose seemed to have heard because she jumped up. "Well Albus, I thought you would want to impress your favourite father!"

Albus straightened, and said: "No need to put up a tone, Rose."

"Well at least you have your dear friends with you!" Rose snapped.

Quinn then said: "Just because you don't have any."

Rose looked at her: "Keep out of it will you?" Albus picked up the book Rose had dropped and looked at it: Transfiguration Grade 3.

"I thought we were in first year?"

Rose grasped the book from his hands and walked away saying: "I'm having breakfast."

Albus looked over to Quinn and Tyler and said: "I'm starving, let's have breakfast too."

While they were having breakfast Rose was looking at the three angrily. "We have Transfiguration first, right?" Quinn said, and Tyler nodded.

"Oh, I can't wait till we get to fly, I hope I'm just as good as my father was." He said, and Albus looked at him.

"I don't know. My dad was the youngest seeker in a century, and he was amazing. I hope I'm good at Quidditch, like my brother, James, he's really good. He's a Chaser." Albus said.

Quinn said: "I've never even touched a magical broomstick, let alone flew on one."

Albus took a gulp of his tea and said: "Hey Tyler, Quinn, do you want to come to Hagrid to have tea on Friday afternoon?" Albus asked

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