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No, Kim Seokjin isn't okay. He is fucking tired and he wants to just rest. He was tired of walking around the whole day, buying gifts and buying food for every one of his little band mates.

It's Christmas time, and it's supposed to be fun. But this? This was totally draining them.

To top it off, he doesn't even get a room for himself in this dorm where the six others lived. He needs to *share*. Well, Jin is used to it now. He's definitely used to it, after rooming with Namjoon for a month.

God, was he a disastrous kid to deal with.

And just thinking about him, made Jin sigh. He's glad he isn't rooming with Namjoon anymore.

Namjoon is sharing a room with Jungkook and Taehyung this time, and Hoseok is with Jimin.

That reminds him, his roommate is Yoongi.

Jin shrugs, as he slips his jacket off himself and hangs it neatly next to all the other jackets. Dammit, is it freezing outside to the point Jin can't feel his toes and his nose.

But the snow was extremely beautiful, shimmering in the dim sunlight. He couldn't help but click few pictures to show others.

It is seven in the evening, everyone is in their own rooms, loud bickering being heard from one of it. Jin smiles a little, brushing himself off the snow that clung onto him.

Then he places the food on the table, and hurries to his room, to get some warmer clothes.

What he didn't expect, when he opens his door is that, Yoongi curled in his bed, fast asleep beneath the sheets and the lights are turned off. There's silence coursing throughout the room, and Jin didn't know if he it was supposed to break it.

So he just stands there, fumbling with the switches.

Then, he turns the lights on, hoping Yoongi won't mind, or better, hoping he would wake up.

It'd suck if Jin wakes him up from his sleep.

Then something strikes his head. He brought food, he needs to wake Yoongi up anyway.

So he grins to himself, before taking loud steps to the closet, opening the closet with a bang, hearing the younger groan a little.

"What do you want?" His voice is gruff, a sign of how good of a sleep he was in.

"My room too, Yoongi." Jin chuckles, because he didn't know what else to respond with. "I got food, it's on the table, let's go eat."

"Ugh," the other shows his disapproval, yet again, with a groan, "I don't want. You guys have."

"Are you sure?" Jin asked, turning around to face Yoongi now, arms filled with clothes. "You'll be hungry later."

"That's to worry about later then." And just like that, Yoongi was slipping back under covers, and closing his eyes.


It's late at night. Jin knows it is, he can tell, from the way he's deep in his sleep and now slowly awakening to the footsteps around him.

He tries to ignore them, but man, he can't. He's disturbed now, and he has no other choice but to flutter his eyes open in a grimace to bright light.

"What time is it?" He croaks out, turning around to look at the one and only, Amin Yoongi, standing tall from where Jin was lying down on his bed.

"8 in the morning."

Jin swears, he slept just two hours ago, at 11 in the night. It shouldn't be that early, he didn't get to even enjoy his slumber. "Are you-"

"No." And before Jin knew, Yoongi scrolls the blinds away from windows, letting the sunlight touch Jin. It made him wanna scream. Jin wants to scream at how much he hated mornings.

Then he clears his eyes out, rubbing his fist over them thoroughly, to get a better vision of his surroundings.

The next time Jin looks at the dark haired guy in his room, his gaze stills. It feels as if Jin has forgotten how to look away. And it is only because Jin hadn't noticed earlier how Yoongi was fresh out of the shower.

Usually, he would dress up inside the bathroom like everyone else. Today, Yoongi is out, his top half is stark naked with water dripping down his back.

Jin is able to see only his back, his shoulder blades and the milky white skin. And how his waist is just so... tiny.

Yoongi bends, to reach over to the clothes at the far end of his bed.

There's a five feet gap between Jin's and Yoongi's bed. the younger was standing right in the middle, his bent figure leaving Jin to be faced with.. only his butt. There's a towel wrapped around it, and the older is staring right there.

He is still under his warm covers, but now he is feeling even warmer, all throughout.

And then his gaze shifts to those slender legs that weren't covered by the towel.

Jin is uncomfortable when Yoongi is up and turning around to face Jin with an unknown look in his face. And then he feels that there was a tiny smile on Yoongi, but maybe it's just his sleepy state making things up, just like how hot he is feeling.

Because Jin also looks at Yoongi's chest, and that smooth, soft torso.

The younger really was fit and pretty, Jin will give him that.

But right now, he needs to look away, and for the love of god, his eyes work, once he has calmed down from the amount of heat rising in his own chest.

"Hyung, wake up, we gotta make a run to the studio."

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