Six (part one)

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Warning: this is a mature, very mature chapter and I suggest only 17+ readers to read it.

Yoongi is on Jin's bed, for some reason that Jin doesn't know, and it's making Jin hard to breathe. He is just standing at the door, staring at Yoongi in just trousers and a huge white button up shirt which definitely did not belong to Yoongi.

He's curled around Jin's sheets, the blankets in between his legs, and when Jin notices this, he sucks in a sharp breath.

He takes a few wobbly steps, feeling himself a little uncomfortable in his jeans and suffocated. And hearing him, Yoongi's eyes flutter open.

"Ah, hyung, I took your bed because mine was cold, hope you won't mind." And then he's stretching, arching his back. The shirt goes up his waistband, and Jin can see skin.

It's getting extremely hard to think, with Yoongi's bare thighs out in the open, Jin's shirt on him and on Jin's bed. It was too much to take in.

Oh. So that's what it's about.

Yoongi knows what he's doing to Jin, doesn't he?

Jin gets it now. The mayonnaise, the water.. these were to trigger Jin, weren't they? And now Jin feels stupid.

If he's thinking what he's thinking, then Yoongi is ASKING for it.

So Jin pauses, lips coming to purse into a thin line and fold his arms in front of his chest. Yoongi is watching him from the corner of his eyes, and Jin does exactly what he is expected to do.

He openly eye fucks Yoongi's body, his curves, his skin and lips. He's so turned on, and just like that, as he thought earlier, there wasn't going back.

The younger also realises that he hit a nerve. He was successful in seducing Jin, and he knows that he won. His body tenses when Jin takes few long steps towards the bed and gets on top on it, crawling towards Yoongi's body.

He rests his palm on Yoongi's hips, squeezing it.

"Bad boy, Yoongi. You stole my shirt didn't you?" He whispers, seeing as to how Yoongi visibly gulps at the voice that Jin uses.

It was a tone of authority.

"Y-Yes." He chokes out, and then bites his lips hard. He didn't know what Jin is about to do. He didn't know if Jin really knows what he's doing.

"Stealing is bad." Jin says, "And there's a special place for bad boys under my reign."

He doesn't know how he is supposed to react to that, but all he can do is stare, until Jin's grip is unbelievably powerful on him and the older flips him onto his stomach.

Yoongi feels small under Jin, and he knew he was always tiny but today, he also feels defenceless under Jin's touch.


"What were you doing on my bed, pretty?" Jin asks, massaging the flesh with his fingers, squeezing it and moulding it, making him quiver.

"I- m-my bed is col-cold." Yoongi breathes, and feels Jin's another hand on his hip and pulling his lower half up, to a point where Yoongi's ass is in air.

"Too bad. You invaded my bed, so now you'll have to abide by my rules." Jin whispers, bending down too close to Yoongi's ears.

He lets go and traces his fingers up the youner's lower back, upto his neck, before wrapping his long fingers around the pale skin. It was so pale, Jin wanted it to bruise.

He pushes Yoongi's face into the mattress, making him gasp loudly.

"Hyung--" he says, his voice muffled by the sheets.

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