Vacation turns to Abduction

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The boys cant believe what was happening its like they are in a music video like their growl era but this is aint no drama but for real, Suho keeps walking back and forth in front of the emergency room waiting for the doctor to come out. He cant believe chanyeol at first but when they check the parking he saw two of his member lying unconscious one is soaking with blood which is kris.

Media still doesnt know what happened since Yoochun took charge on everything even he knows how is his uncle is in such a chaos state when he learned about dara's disappearance right after they arrived at the museum, He instructed all securities in Jeju airport or pier to be in their highest alert when they see any suspicious vehicle that will leave the island which is much better since Jeju is only a small island.

Luhan on the otherhand was now in a private room as well as kris who just went out in the emergency room luckily no vital organs had been damaged where he was shot and the bullets where ask by Yoochun to be investigated so that they could trace the owner might as well the mastermind.


I wake up lying in a hospital bed with my members surrounding me but I dont see dara with them so I take a look and notice another bed in my right where another person was lying and it was kris...shit why kris is here too? all I remember was I went to the parking lot to get dara's phone but what I found was a dead body in dara's security car and I call Yoochun hyung for help but I felt a strong impact in my head and I go black then it hit me..

"DARA!!!" I shouted and my members got startled with my sudden act.

"Where is she?" I ask no one but they all looked at me with worried faces specially tao whos eyes are swollen for crying.

"Where the hell is dara answer me!?" I ask again and Suho approach me patting my shoulder.

"Hyung calm down" he said while hanging his head low

"How can I calm down I dont see dara here and why kris is here as well? care to tell me what happen?" I ask eyeing them seeking for any answer, I heard Suho heaved a deep sigh.

"We saw you both in the parking lot well chanyeol got a phonecall from kris before I think he passed out"

"Kris is not with me when someone hit me at the parking lot" and that confused me more

"Well we will know what truly happened when he wakes up since he saw everything when they got dara noona." Bang!thats it and it seems that I do the ice bucket challenge when I heard that from Suho.

"This is all my fault..I shouldnt leave her alone" I said when I slump on the headboard raking my hair.

" one's at fault luhan you did your best, Yoochun hyungs people are now on the move to locate noona and I heard from him that it is much easier to look for her since where in Jeju they cant escape easily and there's a big chance they could easily track who get her because of the bullets theyve got from Kris hyung." Chanyeol said while walking towards Kris bed.

"WHAAAT?Kris got shot?was it serious?" I asked them to my disbelief and they confirmed it by nodding.

"Dont worry the doctor said he was now stable and luckily rescue was fast to get him here for surgery though he lost a lot of blood so he needs to fully recover first before he could give any statement." Suho said looking to Kris then back to me.

"Who else knows about this?"

"Aside from us, you, Yoochun hyung, uncle and the royal security plus manager hyung since we can't keep kris situation like this." Chanyeol was able to answer while he was dialling someone on his phone.

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