Can i help you

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I woke up this morning to the distinct sound of yelling from my neighbors house. Mr. and Mr. Lawrence and yes I mean Mr. and Mr. Lawrence are arguing as usual. I wish they would get a divorce already so that I can sleep longer and better without there arguing from day in to day out. I took my shower got dressed and walked outside to wait on the school bus to come.

A car pulled up into the driveway. It was my older brother Anuman, named after our Thia dad, got out of the car with his wife that I absolutely hate. She thinks that because she went to college to be an artist that her artworks are better than mine in every way and criticizes everything I make, draw, paint, color, and even the way I write. I was so mad when they got married.
"Hey Mimi, I see you still aren't driving eh!" he yelled as if I wanted the whole world to know I didn't have a license. It's not that I can't get one but if I do my mom will make me get a job. After standing there awkwardly for about 10 minutes while Avery, my brothers wife, stared at me waiting for me to greet her. The bus finally came " Bye mom, dad, and Anuman!" I called emphasizing the word and so that she knows i'm not talking to her.

When I got to school I go straight to the vending machines due to the fact my bus gets here so late. I walk down the hall to my locker to get my Chemistry book. When I closed my door I jumped in surprise to see who was behind it. One of the coolest guys in school, Shawn Thomalson staring right at me. He opened his mouth to speak "Uhhh.... can I ask you something?" I could see the he was nervous, but what would someone as popular as him want with a nerd like me. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I quickly answered no "I wanted to know if I could be be your boyfriend, we might have a lot of chemistry between us," he laughed pointing at the blue Chemistry book I held between us.

"Ok sorry I know it was cheesy by the look on your face," he said talking about "the face I make when something or someone is or is being dumb face" as my dad says. "So what's your answer, will you Mya Fongumpai be my girlfriend?" how did he know my name? "I don't know , having a boyfriend might distract me from my studies," I explained "Just give me a chance please," he looked at me with those beautiful, bright, watery puppy eyes. Oh no they've got me. I looked down at the floor and answered "Ok, but no touchy feely, i'm not doing your homework i will help, no starting crazy rumors about me, and definitely no beating, yelling, or cheating on me, because if you do my brother know jujitsu and he will take you out," I warned him "Ok, but I can't promise that I won't touch or feel on you, just think off it as a high school adventure," he stated. RIIIIIIIIIIIIING!!!!!!!!
I was so excited going to class, because i've never been in that type of a relationship before.
This chapter is really short because it is the first one I wrote, but there will be plenty more action through the story. This is my second time publishing it and my friend I originally sent the story to read it loved it and I hope you will too.
Thank you!!!

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