First what!?

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Picture of Shawn above^^^^^

"Awww Mr.Thomalson late again!" yelled Mrs.Townsend making the class laugh. "Sorry I woke up late," he claimed then walked over to the seat beside me. "Hey Mya you look cute today,"
"Thank you my sister-in-law helped me,"
"Well you looking like a sna..I mean you look pretty," he corrected himself.
"Did you just call me a snack?" I whispered
"So what if I did?" I blushed
"You're so cute,"

I can't believe the hottest guy I know just called me pretty, cute, and a whole snack in one minute. I couldn't concentrate because I couldn't help, but watch him lick his lips every so often.
"Miss Fong!" the Mrs. Neil yelled
"What are you staring at that's got you so distracted eh?"
"Uhh!" I respond
"That's what I thought, so tell me miss Fong what is the cubed root of 368?"
"This is English,"
"I asked you a question, and don't give me that face!"
RIIIIIING! Saved by the bell, I thought in my head as I got up for my next class. I felt a hand and my back and turned to see Shawn behind me. He wrapped his arm around my waist and whispered in my ear.
"Hey wanna come to my house later eh?"
"I don't know my parents might not...."
"Who said your parents had to know?"

*Later that day*
"Mom, dad i'm going to Abby's house!"
"Abby, I haven't heard that name in a while; I thought you guys weren't friends anymore!" mom said
"Hey, while you're out.........huh she's gone!" I heard dad say right before I close the door behind me

I walked a couple blocks to the address Shawn texted me. His house had a nice clean yard. I slowly walked to the door and rang the doorbell. A woman answered smiling.
"Hello, are you looking for Shawn?"
"Hi, yes I am thank you,"

She walked away for a couple minutes. When she came back Shawn was behind her with his hands in his pockets. His mom gave him a kiss on the cheek and left the house.
"My mom is gotta head'r to work so we'll be alone," he said
"Remember don't be silly cover your willy!" she yelled before getting into the car and driving away
"I won't do anything don't worry,"

We walked upstairs to his room. It was very organized and smelled like cologne more accurately it smelled like him. He sat down on the floor and patted the spot beside him. I was wearing a skirt so it was pretty awkward, but I just sat down anyway. We talked and laughed for a while then played 20 questions.
"What's your favorite movie genre eh?" I asked
"I have to go with scifi," he answered
"Nice, mine is romance of course,"
"Now it's my turn, who was your first kiss?" I paused at that question
"I don't know I never had one,"
"What really? I guess that means you're a virgin too," I blushed at those words
"How bout I be your first, since i'm your boyfriend and all?" I gasped
"No I mean first kiss silly girl"

I gave him a small nod as he leaned into me. Then he stopped and gently took my glasses off my face and stared at me for a while.

"Just relax," he said softly before putting a hand on my cheek and slowly connecting his lips to mine then pulling away. His lips were soft and felt good against mine. We looked each other in the eyes for awhile then he kissed me again sucking my lip before sliding his tongue into my mouth. I put my arms around his neck pulling him closer to me. What he did next was unexpected. He stopped kissing me and gave me small kisses along my jawline, moving his hand up to my inner thigh making my legs shake and made me give off quiet moans. Then he just stopped and leaned up, breathing hard.
"Sorry I got carried away," he sounded sad like he felt really bad about it
"It's fine no harm done right,"

Awkwardly sitting on the floor waiting for Shawn to get out of the washroom, I thought about the makeout session we just had. I've never felt anything like that. He was in there for about 30 minutes now. I hope I haven't done anything wrong.

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