Perspective♠ (Vision 3)

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A shady tree covered the house underneath it, the small wreckage of a house stood in a very freckle manner as if a slight blow of wind will blow it away of sight. The tree gave if any strength to the cramped tin roofs of the house. I was standing under the tree just a few feet away from the house, the palms rested on the rough skin of the humble and old tree, it was dry with small wood pecked holes and within the cracks of the tree were a family of worker red ants, charging, bashing their heads and moving away without any looking back for any reason.

I inspected the ants, I was so interested in them... that I missed the roof being blown away by the wind I felt no such gale rushing by me, but the moment I turned my eye from the ants the roof was gone. That was when I realized there was no scenery, no scenery at all. Long grassy fields stretched to miles and miles away, the tree was raised in what looked to me is a mound, I comprehended as far as my eye could see. The sky, the grass, the tree, and the roofless house is all that was there. The roof of the house had disappeared and I rolled my eyes to search for it, I started shivering... but I wouldn't actually acknowledge my fear, I looked at the walls of the house... it was... it was inviting. They were asking me to touch them, touch and experience the old Chinese handcraft on it.

Chinese sculpture pasted on the beautifully... not the cheap modern-day sculpture, ancient Chinese which was known for its depressingly amazing quality. The patterns twisted form images for an ancient story, a story you just can't explain with words, words will only devalue it... a story of love, a story of passion and one of grave misfortune.

The door flunked open and the abyss inside it come in my view... it had a sign of an eternity of mystery hidden into it, the depts were so dark I could see nothing inside, nothing no furniture, no electronics and certainly no people.

I had to enter the room. I kept telling myself 'don't go in there'. My legs were beyond my control, they were edging forward without any heed to the warning in my head. Just one step before I could enter the abyss... my legs stopped as if to finally the nerve information reaching the muscles. I stared deep into the eyes of it... the well of dangerous darkness, a quiet and never-ending void.

A voice kept suddenly from the inside and it ran shivers to the end if my backbones.

"Don't come inside!" a male voice said from the house.

"Who are you,"

"The Truth"

"If you are the truth, then I must see you shouldn't I"

"No, it's better to live me alone, untouched. ANYONE who ever came near me had violated me, my sanctity and my trust." His voice sudden turned down its pitch, like sudden a woman took over it

"I'm here right, it must be fate that brought me here to this place"

"Fate is a dice that I roll in my hands... destiny is my woman who only services me at the wimps of choice, life is my lover who is also the prostitute I sell at no price, the end is my brother who is only interested in the body of my lover. I have not brought you here... so, why are you here, child?"

"It's because that you hold the strings to all those masters who hold mine, that I am here. You are lying to me, and you call yourself the truth."

A Laughter, a very silent one, almost a giggle. you would missed it if you don't hold your breath "Do you lie to all those who wish for you, do you?"

"I'm just a spectator, I am here to be entertained. I cannot indulge myself into the matter of those who call for me "

I took a step forward; my left feet entered the abyss and it disappeared into mist of shallow darkness

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