~part 16: whAt-~

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"Wait, what? Spinel?? sluggish???" Steven exclaimed loudly in pure disbelief. From his experiences with the pink gem, the word sluggish just doesn't quite fit with her. Pearl had her eyes widened in shock. "she was... quiet..?" She said almost like she was asking herself. Pearl was especially put off by this, considering she's known spinel longer than anyone there. And as far as she knew, quiet was foreign to the pink entertainment gem.

"A spinel.. with no spunk." Garnet finished her voice calm but leaning on the more curious tone. She wasn't particularly familiar with spinel, but what she remembered about her gem type wasn't known to be tired or shy.

"And now she's asking for more pillows and blankets." You said, gesturing to the full bag you were holding. "Do you know what could be wrong with her?" Pearl looked down and pondered for a moment. "Hm... I... don't know. I haven't heard a gem, let alone a spinel display this kind of behavior..." she looked at you quizzically. "When did this start?" you sighed, rubbing your temples in an attempt to keep your stress down. "Well, it wasn't noticeable at first, but she showed a few signs of tiredness a few weeks back... I didn't think anything of it.. but now... it's just.. getting worse..." you must have looked more worried than you intended because garnet placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry. I'm sure it's something that can be handled."

Steven suddenly snapped his fingers as an idea flashed in his head. "I got it! But I'll have to with you to do this."

"You'll do what now?" You and pearl asked simultaneously. Steven, not noticing your startled reaction, continued. "Yeah! I can heal, remember? Maybe I can help heal her of... whatever... illness she's got!" You and pearl exchange a look of concern. "You uh... Are you sure about that, champ? I did mention beforehand that she's... a bit... more... touchy. To put it nicely." Steven waved a hand dismissively. "I'll be fine. It's... nothing I haven't faced before." He suddenly had a pleading look in his eyes. "Just... let me help you. Like you helped us!"

A moment of silence crossed you as you stared at the half-gem. He looked determined, almost. How can you say no to that face? You give a brief side glance to pearl before taking a breath. "...if you say so, kid." Steven clenched his fist, smiling in triumph. Pearl sighed softly, looking more worried than ever, but put on a brave face.

"Let's uh.. let's get back to her before she starts to worry."

"What do ya mean, 'acting off'?" Spinel asked, adjusting a pillow to match up with the others that ringed around the bed. Pink pearl twiddled her thumbs nervously. "W-Well... you're just... seem... as '(name)' would say... out of it." Spinel didn't look up from her task, instead replying with a shrug. "I... I don't know. I've been feeling a tad off, maybe, but I'm fine overall!" She finished, raising her voice at her last sentence for emphasis. Pink pearl suddenly looked curious. "A tad off?" she repeated. Spinel paused, suddenly looking tense. "Can... you tell me what you mean by that..?" She asked timidly. Spinel stared at the pillow she was fluffing for a moment before letting out a huff.

"I-I don't know... just... I've been feelin' bit tired n' achey..." she rubbed her arm, her face tinting in a dark magenta. "I get urges to uh... eat outta nowhere." Her face got darker as she continued. "And... er..." she suddenly threw her arms up into the air, startling pink pearl as she flailed them in annoyance. "YA KNOW WHAT, IT DOESN'T MATTER!"

She sharply turns toward the frightened pearl, causing her to jump back. "What matters is that I'm fine! Perfectly stable! Just... a bit under the weather." She softens her face and lowers her voice. "S-So just... don't worry about it... Alright? It's no biggie." Pink pearl hesitated, but nodded slowly, prompting a small smile and nod from spinel, as she turned her back. "Thank you." She resumes her task, rearranging pillows and fixing the blanket to look more cave-like. Pink pearl watched her doing so, tipping her head to the side. this looks... familiar...

she stared a bit more for a while, analyzing as spinel worked on her makeshift nest.

"Okay, so tell it back to me; what do you do when you see spinel?" You asked, looking the boy sternly in the eye. Steven huffed but said out loud; "When I see spinel, I will not approach unless I'm told to." you roll your eyes at his tone, giving a sheepish grin. "Hey, I'm just trying to keep you from getting hurt, kid..." he gives a small, almost teasing smile. "Oh come on, (name)!" He playfully punches your arm as you come up to your door. "I've dealt with her before. I think I'm prepared for what she has to throw at me."

You stifle a laugh, reaching for the door, only for it to open on its own. "Wh-" At once, pink pearl suddenly rammed into you, looking quite frantic. "(Name)! I've figured it all out!" She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around you, her visible eye wide and wild. You gripped her shoulders, your own eyes wild in fear of the fact the normally sheepish pink pearl seemed so frantic. "What!? What!? What happened to spinel!? What's wrong!?" She grips your wrists, a star-forming in her pupil. "Oh, my (gem)!"

"you're gonna be a sire gem!"

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