~part 27: reassurance~

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And from that day forward, you kept to your statement.

You never let spinel out of the room. The only time you ever did so was when the diamonds wanted to see her. Other then that, you had her stay in that nest at all times. And, quite surprisingly, she didn't truly mind it. Sure she was quite bored of having to stay in one place all the time, but she wasn't really complaining too much. She's grown quite lethargic and rarely wanted to do any big activities. Board games and playing on the tablet she was gifted from the shower were the only things she was up for doing. Otherwise she spent her time sleeping or snacking.

On your part, you rarely left her side. You were sure to keep her happy, comfortable and most importantly; safe. They only times you left was to update the diamonds on spinel's condition or get nutrients for her, and those trips alone were slightly more difficult with your altered state of mind.

While you had enough rationality to purchase things and interact with other life forms, your feral instincts kept you from sticking around too long, and you were often rushing to get back to your carrier as soon as possible. This made you mildly curt towards others.

Not only that, but it seems that after the events with pink steven, some of the said feral instincts had projected themselves into your physical form. And over time, it modified your body, giving you a less... friendly look.

Sure, you were still very much good looking to many gems and humans alike, most noticed a few... minor updates fitting your position as a protective sire gem.

Your hair had grown long and thick like an amethyst guard's hair, and a thick brush of fluff ringed your neck so it resembled that of a mane. And each time you were angered or felt threatened, it would stand on end, making you appear 3× your size. Of course you tried to keep it as trim and clean as possible, often fluffing it so you can have advantage when you cuddle with spinel. Your fingers had grown (color) claws at the tips, curved and wickedly sharp. You can easily poof a gem with a single swat, but since you weren't keen on violence, you used intimidation, as worked just fine.

And aside from your horns lengthening and becoming sharper, what really stuck out were your teeth. Thick, sharp predatory teeth that resembled that of a tigers, barely peeking out from behind your lips. While they were useful in cases of intimidation, you couldn't really give a friendly smile without spooking someone.

You also couldn't really speak, as your voice was also intimidating on it's own. It was a mixture of your own voice, but more rasped, which was barely overlapped with an animalistic snarl. The mere action of talking would leave someone unnerved. everyone you encountered were pretty much spooked by your new feral looking appearance. Or semi-corrupt as one would say.

Except for the diamonds, of course.

In fact they seemed perfectly fine with this change. Blue claims that it's natural for first time sire gems to gain such changes since they don't have full purchase of their instincts yet, and that you'll be fine, Yellow states that it's all the more better for protecting spinel and gemlings, and White told you not to worry about it, and that it was a phase that will pass after a while.

I hope...

You thought irritably as you stared down at the pink skinned donut shop owner as he cowered before you. His lack of response irritated you more than it used to as you tapped a claw impatiently against the counter. "Did you hear what I said, sir?" You asked, trying to sound soft, but nonetheless it came out with irritation. "A dozen donuts, with strawberry frosting, please." That seemed to have broken the man out of his trance and he nodded hastily. "Y-Yes! That's right! a dozen donuts, right away!" He squeaked, scrambling to fill a box with fresh baked donuts, covered in pink icing and rainbow sprinkles before setting it on the counter before you. You grunt and place the money on the counter, taking the box into your hands. "Have a nice day." With that you turn and exit the shop, faintly hearing the man sighing in relief. You roll your eyes at this. And he used to be mayor...

Outside, you start to make your way back to little homeworld to use the warp pad like you normally do until you heard a voice call to you from behind. "(Name)! Wait!" You quirk an eyebrow and turn your head to give a side-glance the caller.

Sure enough, you see a familiar pale thin gem running at you, looking quite urgent at the moment. Pearl? You slowed to a stop and turned to fully face her, swishing your tail slightly in curiosity and mild impatience. Seeing you've stopped, she sighs and smiles, slowing her pace to a jog. Finally, she was close enough she let out a breath of relief shutting her eyes. "(Name)! I'm glad I caught you. Got a minute?" She looks up at you and her face visibly contorts in startled surprise at your rather beastly appearance. "Oohh.. uhm..." you furrow your brow in minor annoyance.

"Yes?" You hissed, trying not to sound too impatient. She shook her head, clearing her throat awkwardly. "Ahem! uhm, I just need to talk to you about something." She took a breath. "It's about... steven." You rose your eyebrow at the mention of the half-gem, both interested as to what he could want but on edge of what could have done. "Steven?"

You must have sounded more intense then you intended because pearl was quick to add; "I-It's nothing bad! I-I just wanted to inform you!" She took a deep breath to steady herself and looked up at you, calmly looking you in the eyes. "He... feels really guilty about what happened with his... pink outburst."

P i n k outburst...

The mere though of it caused you to seeth.

You curled your lip and the glint of your teeth caused pearl to quicken her speech. "I-It isn't his fault! it's no one's, really!" You grunted, lashing your tail, now becoming impatient. "Get to the point quickly, pearl. I have an expectant spinel I need to tend to." She sputtered for a moment before swallowing and regaining herself. "R-Right! ahem.. it's just... he's.. really devastated for what he put you and spinel through.. I just want to make sure you don't.. hate him for it..." you stared at her for a long while, surprise evident in your features.

"HATE him?" You spoke abruptly, causing pearl to flinch back. You pulled the corners of your mouth up into an amused smile, though the fangs that jut out of your mouth gave the nervous pearl before you the impression you might take a massive bite out of her gem. "I'd never hate the kid, P!" You said with a scratchy, almost guttural laugh. Pearl blinked in disbelief. "Y-You don't?"

You shook your head dismissively. "No, no, the kid's been through a lot, I get that. No offense to you or Universe, but his mother had left a very messy path for him to walk through. And I get it." Your face darkened slightly, not in a threatening sneer but a stern glare. "But as long as he lacks control over that.. Pink state of his... I can't risk letting him near spinel or the litter." Pearl frowned lightly and rubbed her arm sheepishly. That was when you placed your massive hand on her shoulder, ignoring her startled flinch. "I didn't say he could never see them. I just want him to control that pink side of his and get help for it before he does something he'll truly regret." You sighed.

"He needs to realize that his mother and her actions will not be forgotten easily." Your voice begin to soften, slowly taking back its normal pitch. "She will always come up one way or another. And he may be half of her, but he ain't pink diamond. He's steven universe, peace-bringer to gems and humans alike." Pearl stared up at you, eyes sparkling. "...tell him what I told you this. Okay? Don't let this get to him." Pearl took hold of your hand and smiled brightly at you. "(Name).. I can't even tell you how much this will mean to steven." She beamed brighter than the sun. "Thank you so much! I'll make sure he knows that-"

The sound of your phone's (ringtone) went off in your Jean pocket and you instinctively reach for it. "Must be spinel..." you murmured, hitting the answer button and bringing the phone upto your face. Pearl stepped back and watched silently as you took your call.

"I'm sorry I'm late spinel, but I just needed to- pink pearl? What-?" Your eyes widen and your chest becomes tight. "Wh-what?" Pearl watches, becoming increasingly concerned as you begin to breathe heavily, and lose grip on your box of donuts, dropping them to the ground. "I-I'll be right there." With that, you hang up and stand there, staring into space in shock.

"(Name)? everything alright?" Pearl asked, touching your shoulder. You spare pearl a wide eyed glance for a split second before taking off towards little homeworld on all-fours, ignoring the pearl's calls to you.

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