Welcome! A/N #1

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           Hi there beautiful snow people! Welcome to a journey of words and pages. I thought I would start off this adventure by saying a quick hello, and explain some things before we start. 

1. I will try to make this story as non-cliche as possible since I know some werewolf stories are kinda the same (Not hating on any other stories out there, I still read them like crazy) 

2. I really apologize if updates aren't on track, Christmas is coming up and it's hectic but I'm in the spirit of writing so I will try once a week. We will see how that goes (I'm a real couch potato of laziness just warning you) 

3. Just have a good time. I love books because they make me immersed into a world that most times have good endings and great storytelling. I will try my best to make this one of these books. 

Merry Christmas, and Murry Chrysler everybody!

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