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The only ones who know about Min Yoongi's alters is the members, of fucking course, and their main trusted staff, managers, and CEO. Besides them, his alters are not to be talked about in public or on camera, even if the alter is at surface. They are all Min Yoongi, and Suga, and no one else.
These are their stories.

Alter #1 (The Trauma Free Little):
Mostly goes by Yoonie.
Yoonie is 4 years old.
The members are Yoonie's caregivers, and though it's not sexual or romantic, he calls everyone daddy. They adore and spoil him.
Yoonie has no memories of Yoongi's abuse, the other alters protect Yoonie from ever knowing.
He's innocent, pure, and a small child who still wets the bed at times from nightmares. His favorite things to do is play tea party, and color pictures for Seokjin to hang on the fridge.

 His favorite things to do is play tea party, and color pictures for Seokjin to hang on the fridge

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Alter #2 (Child Version of The Host):
The members call him YooJoon. He didn't really come with a name so J-hope helped Yoongi come up with one. YooJoon is 7 years old. This is the age the abuse started.
YooJoon doesn't have many memories, most are repressed. He experiences a lot of night terrors and anxiety attacks.
YooJoon doesn't like men who aren't his brothers. He's very polite but doesn't eat or drink or use the bathroom without someone's permission. He's soft, and kind, and tries to do his best to make everyone happy and less burdened by his presence. He likes dinosaurs, stuffed animals, and cartoons.

Alter #3 (The Demonic Alter):Ye-jun is 10 years old

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Alter #3 (The Demonic Alter):
Ye-jun is 10 years old.
Ye-jun was bullied harshly, and the abuse behind closed doors were even worse.
Ye-jun, though he's the demonic after, he is not evil in any way, because he was taught that he was such a bad kid, he believes he is evil when he's not.
Ye-jun doesn't surface very often, when he does this usually brings Yoongi back to experiences he doesn't want to remember. This is because he blames Yoongi for the abuse he experienced during the traumatic events that had Ye-jun surface in the first place.
Ye-jun remembers everything, every hit, every touch, and every degraded word thrown his way. This makes Yoongi spiral into a depressive episode afterwards.
Ye-jun is still a child but he is independent and naive. He doesn't take care of himself very well but doesn't want help from anyone. He sees himself as a burden, and doesn't believe his worth. Ye-jun needs the most therapy. He enjoys Disney movies, and cartoons, playing by himself. He's a little more on the sexual side and doesn't understand right from wrong. He doesn't like to shower or bathe alone, but he believes if his members do something for him he must return the favor. The members don't know how to handle Ye-jun, and only experienced his presence under 5 times. They usually call in a professional for when Ye-jun appears.

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