1. I was never innocent or pure.

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Yoongi woke up already overwhelmed.

I can take over Yoongi, just take a deep breath. Your dreams aren't real. (Suga)

Yoongi took a deep breath before abruptly getting interrupted once again.

Our dreams are based on real events Suga so you sound pretty fucking stupid. (Yunsuk)

You're not any help Yunsuk. Don't listen to him Yoongi, he's just an asshole. (Suga)

Yoongi can speak for himself. You don't got to be his damn protector every waking moment, it's not like I'm holding a gun to his head. (Yunsuk)

That's not physically possible. (Yeongsoo)

Shut up. (Yunsuk)

Stop guys your overwhelming the body. (Suga)

It's always about the damn body I didn't ask to be here. (Yunsuk)

No one asked to be here, actually. (Yeongsoo)

Such a smart ass kid. I hate smartass kids. (Yunsuk)

Deep breaths Yoongi. (Suga)

Yoongi held his head as their voices got louder and louder. Arguments and yelling overriding each other.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes as a small headache came on.

It's YooJoon turn.

The others instantly seemed to distance themselves, going farther in their inner worlds as Suga and Yoongi stayed close to surface, but not close enough to make YooJoon disappear.

YooJoon slid off Yoongi's bed, tip-toeing over to the chair in the corner to grab Baloo, his blue raggy old bear that was falling apart. Yoongi had the bear since he was 3. And YooJoon is 7 so in his head that makes him even more responsible to take care of Baloo.

He slowly moved to his bedroom door and peaked down the hall both ways, it was very quiet. He looked to the clock and made up a time. He couldn't read clocks, he shrugged, and walked down the hall holding Baloo close. Baloo was Yoongi and YooJoon's protector during abuse.

"Hyungie?" YooJoon peaked around the corner into the living room. No one.

YooJoon peaked into the bathroom, "Hyungs?" No one.

Maybe YooJoon could call them, only he didn't know how to use a phone. And if they were still sleeping he didn't want to wake them up and get in trouble.


YooJoon jumped, "Hyungie you scared me."

Taehyung smiles, "Good morning YooJoon. Why are you up so early?"

YooJoon shrugged, "I can't read time."

Taehyung chuckles, "Are you and Baloo hungry? Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin are cooking breakfast now."

"Maybe," he kept his eyes lowered, he still subconsciously followed the old rules his abusers had set for him.

Never look someone older in the eyes.

And don't talk unless spoken to.

"Seokjin-Hyung will want you to taste test, you don't want to let him down," Taehyung smiled brightly, making sure YooJoon was confident enough to come with him.

Tae held out his hand for YooJoon to hold.

"I would add a little more cinnamon spice, it's still a bit bland," Jin taste tested Jungkook's spicy noodles, the maknae nodded, so Jin turned back to Jimin who was cutting up the cabbage for kimchi.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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