1. (Edited)

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I started this story with knowledge that I naively thought was enough to write this in the first place. As I dig deeper into this disorder meanwhile on the path of being diagnosed properly myself, I realized I need to do better. So I am starting over.

DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder, formally know as Multiple Personalities, is a very complex disorder, and is also heavily misunderstood. I do not want to express this disorder as something that is dangerous, like shown in horror movies. I don't want to portray this disorder in a way that will negatively affect those who have it.

I am currently in the process of being diagnosed with OSDD, which is a form of DID but different. I decided to write about DID instead, because I only see this disorder in stories and movies where it's shown to be this horrible thing that turns people crazy and into murderers. I want you as my readers to understand that a disorder doesn't make someone dangerous. This disorder is formed off of trauma, a coping mechanism if you will call it, to protect the one that is going through something traumatizing.

Lastly if you all have noticed I named Yoongi's alters so they're all similar to his own name, aside from Suga. I did this not because it's realistic, cause it's not, but because it simply be easily for readers to memorize the alters. Hopefully it helps so it's less confusing when there are switches. Though this story is based off a real disorder, do not take information from here thinking that it's 100% accurate for every person who has DID.

This is a story. DID alters are not characters and it is not role-playing. In real life, if Yoongi actually had this disorder I would not be sharing anything about littles. Littles in a system are children, not age aggressors, not child role players, they are actual children. The only difference is that they are in an adult body, but that does not make them any less of a literal child. Please be respectful in the comments, do not sexualize Yoongi's littles, even though Ye-Jun is a sexual alter, this is just to show how he affects the rest of the system, his sexual side is a trauma response and it is not a kink.

Finally if you have DID, or a form like OSDD, and you see something shown wrong in my writing please let me know.

In conclusion, I'll be starting this story over, so stay tuned for the first chapter. Thank you for listening, I love y'all. <3

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