Chapter One (Viking Princess)

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Authorsnote: Hi! this will be the start of my new novel Viking princess!I plan on finishing what I started withth is story. Lately I've been going through lots of writers block and I always leave my stories incomplete, but I promise to get to the very end. 

I hope my readers love reading it as much as I love writing it....

Leave comments and feedback I'm all ears for constructive criticism.


"Aurora." I could hear my sister calling me but I payed her no mind. My eyes were glued on the shield maidens practicing combat techniques. They were fierce female warrior's who helped protect our land.

"Aurora, I know you heard me calling you." My sister said whipping her long blond hair behind her shoulder.

"How could I not hear you yelling like a pig being slaughtered." Her voice annoyed me. Its like she couldn't take a hint, I ditched her every day yet she always had her own way of finding me.

"Your not very funny and everyone knows I have the voice of an angel."

"What do you want Melanie can't you see I'm busy."

"Doing what? Watching these she beast's act like men."

"There not beast's there just like me and you."

"They could never be like us Aurora remember were princess and we don't have time for such disgusting things, Come mother wants us home now."

I took one last look at the shield maidens and headed home with my sister. All the while Melanie went on and on about how a princess should behave. I wish she would put a sock in it.

"How are you going to be a warrior, your to small." I heard four boys saying while pushing the smaller one down."

"Leave him alone Vince." Don't get involved, this has nothing to do with us Melanie said grabbing my wrist.

I jerked out of her grip and approached the five boys.

"Listen to your sister Aurora" Vince said smiling. His dad is one of our greatest warriors, he wants him to follow in his foot steps but the problem is he's a bully and he's raising his son to be one too.

"How about you pick on someone your own size."

"Mind your business princess, go play dolls." With that being said he relentlessly kicked the boy in the stomach.

I screamed stop over and over again, but he just continued kicking the helpless boy. I could hear the boys grunts of pain at every blow. I was done talking, I pushed Vince hard enough that he was no longer standing in front of his victim.

"Move girl." He attempted to raise his hand to swing only for me to catch it in mine, with the advantage I punched him several times in the face then twisted his arm behind his back.

"Unhand me or i-ll i"-ll!"

"You'll do what, you can't even move." I laughed at his feeble attempts to free himself.

"Let him go Aurora, this is not how you should be acting."

"I act how I want to" I told my sister.

Seeing his chance he head butted me. I was facing Melanie so he hit the side of my face making me fall to the ground.

" Owe " I screamed. I could feel the blood running down my chin.

"Like I said you should listen to your sister and I'll see you around Tristion next time fight your own battles, I'm out of here." He left with the rest off his friends leaving me and the boy laying on the ground.

"What were you thinking fighting him." She reached to help me up but I slapped her hand away.

"If you wouldn't have distracted me I would have thrashed him."

When I got up I looked at the boy lying there, his face showed pure anger. I would have asked if he needed help but I was sure it would only hurt his pride more.


"Why would you attack Vince" my mother said cleaning my face.

"I was just trying to help this boy, They would have beat him up if I didn't help!

"Was helping him worth getting a scar on your beautiful face."

"You should be thanking me for being a caring princess, and now I have a battle scar just like father."

"I don't want to hear you talk about battle scars or even you fighting."

"But mother I was just trying to help."

"I mean it Aurora, your a princess so act like one."

I would have never got in-between there petty dispute mother." My sister said chiming herself in.

"I know honey, see Aurora your sister knows how to behave, you're eleven summers and you still haven't grown out of these tomboy ways."

"Sorry for being myself but if you would excuses me I've had a long day so I'm going to retire to my room.

The fist thing I did when I entered my place of solitude was look into a mirror.

With all the blood gone you could see a tiny mark on the side of my chin. I couldn't help my enthusiastic smile.

Not only did I get into my first fight but I also got a scar to remember it. My sister and mother might see it as a flaw but I think it makes me look even better.

"I can't believe I have a battle scar of my own."

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