Chaper Two

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"Sit still Aurora" my mother mumbled under her breath.

"How can I? When I can't even breath in this petite dress." My Mother decided she wanted a family portrait, So she hired only the best to paint us. I didn't feel so lucky, We have many family paintings so what in the high hell's made her want another.

"If you wouldn't destroy all the dresses I pick out for you maybe you could be sitting comfy."

"They were hideous, I will not walk around looking like Melanie." I burned and ripped apart my best gowns so I was forced to squeeze into one of my sisters.

"I think you look nice sister dearest, but you could stand to lose a few pounds".

"If you listen to your sister Aurora you will get suitors, Maybe that fine young gentle man up east."

"If I have to dress like this to get betrothed then I do not wish to be wed."

"Don't say such a thing , no daughter of mine will be a spinster. You will love being married with lots of children now hush."

That's what a hated about my mother, what I wanted didn't matter in the slightest. Over the past few years its gotten worse, I'm nineteen summers and she still tries to run my life. Why can't she honer my wishes.

"And im finished." The family portrait painter said in a gleeful  voice.

"Let me see, Let me see!" My sister was always excited about these kinds of things.

We all gathered around the portrait but only my sister and mother were delighted.

"My hair is not that color and I am not that thin. What is the meaning of this!"

"Daughter I told Pierre to make the picture better, You stand out compared to I and you're sister."

"So you think making me look like something I'm not looks better." Anger filled my body and before I could think about my actions I punched a hole in the place where the unrealistic image of me was drawn.

They all gasped. I guess they were surprised at my not so lady like behavior.

"Don't ever ask me to be in one of these things again." I stormed off with out another word. How dare she? I don't look like my mother but my sister was the spitting image.

While my hair was thick curly and black my sister was a long golden blond. My skin was a tan like color but my sister was milky and smooth. Her eyes were a vibrant green mine were ice blue. Her figure was perfect not one ounce of extra fat while I was quite toned I still had curvy hips. In everyone's eye's including my parents she was perfect and that's why she had more then twenty suitors. I on the other hand had not one. How could I when she drew all the attention.

Tiring of this gown I quickly tossed it aside when I entered my chambers. I preferred to wear a tunic and pants even though that got me strange looks. Those were basically commoner clothes, yet I did not care. They were very lose fitting and comfortable.

I heard a loud chuckle which could only mean one thing. My father was home. He has been gone for month's. For the last two years we've been in an war. A bunch of undeserving bastard's who think they can just take our land.

"Father I yelled running down stairs!"

"What trouble has my little Aurora gotten into since I've been away."

"Lots and lots mothers probably mad at me now." That was the thing about my father he always understood me. I was the closest thing to a son he had, so he was conflicted on how he should handle my boyish behavior.

"That a girl, keep your mother on her toes."

My mother made sure dinner was ready when my daddy arrived. She never cooked but she always took pride in the meal as if she did.

"Awe how i missed you Harold,how long will you be home." My mother said looking in my dad's eyes.

" Rose you know I would love to be here with you and my daughters but the way things are going we will need everyone we can get."

"I see." She said putting her eyes back on her food."

"I could help." Everyone's eyes were on me as if I spoke out of turn.

"We went over this already Aurora, war is no place for a princess."

"I don't believe I was speaking to you mother! Father I have been practicing how to defend myself and others with the shield maidens, I can help."

" Listen to your mother."

"But dad I have been working hard, I can do this you of all people should understand since your brother was supposed to be king but your father gave you that chance instead."

"That's enough Aurora, You will not fight in this war and that's final."

"No, I am at an age where I don't have to listen to any of you anymore! All you people have been doing is holding me back but not any longer. I'm not getting married mother and I'm joining the shield maidens father.

I ran to my chambers as fast as I could. I thought for sure my dad would take my side. Whether they like it or not I'm going to be a shield maiden.

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