Chapter Three

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"What the hell" I mumbled. A loud bang woke me from my sleep then I heard screams.

I sleepy walked to my door to see what all the noise was about but when I got into the dark hallway I didn't see anything out of the ordinary but I still could hear screams of terror.

The further I walked down the hallway the louder the screams got. It was all coming from behind one door. My sister's room, I swear if she's yelling like a crazy woman over a bug again ill kill her.

"What the hell Melanie I'm tri-" but I was cut off by the sight in front of me. There was a huge man dragging my sister from her bed.

He immediately turned to look at me. My adrenaline started pumping when he tolled Melanie "move and I'll hurt you" then he made his way for me.

I quickly made a dash back towards my chambers and hide on side of the door. I could hear footsteps getting closer and closer. I had no idea who this man was but I was dam sure he wasn't from around here.

There was a wooden broom next to me, I brook of the bottom half and clutched it in my hands.

He slowly creeped into the frame of my room. Before he could even get a good two feet in I swung the thick stick as hard as I could , hitting him on his head.

I didn't knock him out but he did fall to his knee's in pain. I kicked him in his chest then pushed him aside so I could get away. I headed for my sisters room where she was still sitting on her bed.

"Or you stupid why would you just sit here."

"I didn't know what to do he said he would hurt me, I'm scared." She said crying into her hands.

"Pull yourself together we have to get out of here."

"But how that big man i-s i-ss."

"I took care of that now let's go." I grabbed her wrist and we ran down stair's.

The front door was wide open, and the house was in dead silence.

" what's going on." She said trembling from fright.

"I don't know." But we're getting out off here, we made a break for the door only to have a strange man block or exit."

"Your not going anywhere." He was dressed in the same weird clothes, just like the other one up stairs.

We turned to run the other direction but behind us was the man I knocked across the head and he looked pissed.

"Grab them he said." He got a good hold of my hair and the other one pulled Melanie by her arm.

They dragged us to the sitting room where my mother was already on her knees with her hands above her head.

"Take the position of your mother." The large man said.

My sister did as the man said but when I tried to do the same he jerked me by my shoulders right back up."

"Not you peasant." I looked at him with confusion, what did he mean peasant? I'm as much royal blood as my sister, she's just older.

"I'm no commoner you ogre!"

With a quick motion he slapped me across the face.

"Do you think I'm stupid! Queen Rose and King Harry only have one daughter.

"Well you must be stupid because they have two daughters."

He rose his hand to hit me again but was stopped by father's voice.

"What do you think your doing hitting my child."

"You never mentioned you had two children."

"Well I do as you can see."

"You know this man father." I was very lost? Why would he invite guests like these.

"There the men were fighting against ."

"If were at war with them then why are they in our home!"

"Because your going to lose this war little girl." I looked behind me to see a man in black armor making his way into the room.

"Father whats going on."

"You dear old dad is keeping secrets from you too because he sure never mentioned he had another daughter."

"Have mercy on my family, They are women."

He chucked loudly as if my father made a joke. I could feel the tension rising.

"You have a beautiful family."

"Thank you, they are all I have and need."

"To beautiful don't you think, I believe I deserve something beautiful."

"I won't let you take even one of my kin" my father said raising his voice.

"And who will stop me you! I could have you killed by my men or your own people for treason. You would rather sign a treaty giving me control just so you can keep your precious throne even if that means you not running your own country!

"I did what had to."

"You did what you had to and I do what I want to and what I want is one of your daughters."

"I can't just let you turn one of them into your whore."

"I would never do such a thing to delicate flowers like these. I've been looking to settle down for a while.

"If I let you take one will you still stick by the treaty."

"Of-coarse I'm a man of my word." I couldn't believe my ears my dad was basically selling one of us.

He walked in-front of my sister. He grabbed her by her chin to make her look in his eyes. I could see tears rolling down her face.

I knew he was going to choose Melanie and I couldn't just let him take her.

"Get your hands off of her" I screamed moving towards him.

He let go of my sister then faced me. He looked me right in the eyes. His eyes were a dark gray. He stared at me with so much intensity like he was looking for me to show the slightest amount of fear but I refused to show any emotion besides anger.

"Perfect." He said quietly, I was sure I was the one who heard his comment.

"I want her, she is the woman I will have."

"W-hat i-im not going any where with you. Father! Mother!"

My dad didn't even dare look me in the face. He just stood there with his head hung low.

"I love you." My mother said I could see the sorrow in her face.

"Please I don't want this."

"Look on the bright side he's going to make a real woman of you." I couldn't believe her! I'm being given to a man I don't know and all she can do is talk about marriage!"

"I hate both of you, You're weak and spineless! I said through gritted teeth to my parents.

I grabbed my sister and hugged her. She whispered she loved me in my ear and I did the same.

"Enough of this, tie the girl up and bring her along we have a lot to discuss." The two men yanked me from Melanie and tied my hands behind my back.

I looked at my family one more time before I was pushed out the room heading to only the great gods knows where.

So many questions were running through my mind but specifically who was this powerful man?

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