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Jungkook POV

I woke up early today only to use the time to look good. The last note was precious to me. Don't take me wrong all the notes are close to my heart. But in last note he called me beautiful. So I using my time to look good for him. I wear a oversized sweater for him.

When I go to the school I meet Jin hyung he said with a smirk
"Woah Kook looking different today. I am sure you future husband will love it. "

Ya you guesses right I had tell Jin hyung. He is my only friend I can't keep secret from him. I just hope the note person likes my clothes today.

Jimin POV

Today I go to school and see my muffin wear a oversized sweater. I love it. I will surely reward him.
So I write a note.

"My muffin you look cute, adorable and gorgeous today. You make me alive my baby boo.

My first name and your last name would sound great together. "

-Your husband

Then I take the note and keep in his locker when the corridors was empty.
Don't ask me how I know his password, I am Park Jimin nothing is hard for me.

🌈 🌈 🌈

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