If I die, I'll bring you all with me (I)

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Her father was so angry that the veins began to emerge from his forehead. "You!........ you disgraceful thing.. "

Maine replied sarcastically, "Yes, I am a disgraceful thing. After all, you're the one who created me. All those years ago if you had ejaculated on the wall instead, we wouldn't be in this mess. "

David fumes and his chest began to hurt. "I should have choked you to death back then. "

Maine pressed her hands forcefully on the table and giggled. "That's right, you should've choked me to death, just like how you killed my mother by hounding her. "

Everyone knew Maine's birth mother to be the 'mistress' but no one knew the true facts. The real mistress was none other than the current Mrs. Delavin, her so-called step-mother.

Words go around that Maine Delavin was the second daughter of the Delavin family, but in truth, she was older than her so-called step-sister by one year.

David married her mother, but when her mother was pregnant, he took a turn and began going after someone with a better social standing. Step-by-step, he pushed her away until she met her demise.

In order to cover up the heinous act, he colluded with the current Mrs. Delavin, whose name was Amalia, and deliberately changed her age so she was a year younger thanher actual age. They then announced to the world that Maine's mother seduced David Delavin when Mrs. Delavin was pregnant with their first child.

They also told the world that Maine's mistress-mother met with an accident and passed away, prompting Mrs. Delavin to take pity on the child and agree to her inclusion into the Delavin family.

Thus, the whole Vigan City's upper circle was given the impression of how kind and forgiving Mrs. Delavin was, since she treated her husband's illegitimate child particularly well.

On the other hand, Maine's mother was the scum of the earth, a homewrecker that even the heavens wouldn't look at her.

However, no one knew that the Delavin family have never treated her as a part of household. Luck played a big part in her being able to survive until the present. She was treated like the lowliest of lowlifes and served as a punching bag for the family whenever they were upset. Torturing her as way for them to relieve their stresses.

Her existence in the household was simply for the Delavin to enjoy the pleasure of humiliating her.

Maine would always remember how her mother jumped off the building.

Years had passed since then but the hatred in her heart remained. Day by day, her resentment nearly caused her to lose all sense of herself.

She entered into their family when she was eight years old. That day was a cut off point in her life. From that point onward, she no longer experienced happiness or warmth.

Hostile emotions emanated from her eyes. David could not help but feel cold sweat running down his back. It was then that he realized something : the daughter he had been neglecting for years had long turned into a devil.

She had immersed herself in darkness for a long time. She had her mouth wide open patiently waiting for the time to come for her to swallow the whole Delavin family. If she had to sacrifice herself to take them down, she would do so unhesitatingly.

He mumbled, "You.... You.... want to avenge your mother? "

Only did he knew what his daughter was up to.

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