Giving a compensation!

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She tiptoed and leaned over to kiss Nichklaus lips. They were both very familiar with each other and their passionately erotic frenching made everyone around them blushed with shame.

Ammy pulled Alex hand and spat out in contempt. "Babe, I'm so embarrassed you had to see this. That slut is a woman with no shame nor dignity. "

The corner of Alex lips curled up. Light reflected from his spectacles and the brownish colors of his pupils could be seen to intensify gradually.

Maine finally let go of Nichklaus. "Don't forget to look for me when you're in Country X next time, Uncle. "

Nichklaus narrowed his eyes and gazed briefly on her slightly swollen lips. "That depends on my mood. "

"How bad can your mood be having me around? "

"I can't tell. Maybe it'll worse. "

In her heart, Maine cursed him a hundred times. Then she tiptoed kissed him again. "How about now? "

"Barely. "

Maine turned around and looked at the pale-faced Lina. She jerked her head back and jutted her chin out briefly toward her, as if saying 'Bite me, if you can. '

Maine's mood became incredibly good. She sent message to Lina through merely her actions. 'So what if he's your man? I'm the one enjoying with him. '

She then pulled the small suitcase by her side while her gaze swept across the whole scum family. She smiled and said, "I will be back. "

There was no doubt that she would return. Each member of the Delavin family was still alive and well, which meant that it was impossible for her to leave the Country with peace of mind.

She was still young, she was a lone-ranger; hence, she got nothing to lose.

Someday, though she would return. By then, she shall collect what debt the Delavin incurred by killing her mother.

She hauled her suitcase and walked away with resolve. Her frail silhouette soon vanished as she passed through the safety checks.

The devil was gone and the Delavin breathed a sigh of relief in unison.

Bitter resentment flashed Ammy's eyes. She was determined to eradicate the slightest possibility of Maine stepping foot in Vigan City in the future.


After leaving the airport, Lina walked hurriedly in order to catch up Nichklaus.

There was no denying that her niece had kissed her fiance in front of her. It was like a slap in the face but she dared not complain to him.

"Nick, wait for me...... "

Nichklaus was just about to open his car door and hop on but Lina swiftly ran over and sat at the front passenger seat.

He shot her a look of revulsion. "Get down. "

Lina felt hurt. "Nick......... "

Nichklaus lambasted impatiently. "Dont make me kick you down. "

She trembled. He was not the kind of man who would think twice about hitting a girl. He had an unreasonable temper and if someone provoked him, he would beat them up regardless of their gender.

She bit her lip and said, "Be safe.... On the road. "

She opened the door at got down from the car.

A car stopped beside her. The driver was Alex, Ammy was sitting in the front passenger seat. "Such a pity, Auntie. Do you want to hitch a ride with us? "

Lina turned to look at her and the latter's expression seemed to be reveling in her bad luck. But she smiled coldy. "Rather than spending time to mock me, why not you take better care of your boyfriend? Don't wait until she seduces him. When that happens you won't have anywhere to hide and cry. "

Ammy's face turned red in anger. She looked over to Alex and was met with his characteristics calm expression. Her heart easy and she shouted to Lina. "Nonsense. Alex would never stoop so low for a woman like her. "

Lina let out a derisive laugh.

Men are particularly fond of women like that. They might just be biding their time for a chance to bed her.


At the boarding gate, Assistant Lee passed the thick envelope to Maine. "Miss Maine, this is the compensation given by the young master for 'that nigth'. "

Maine then peeled open the envelope and saw the stack of greens. They were all foreign currency.

She smirked. "Its seems like he may have a heart after all. "

"I shall take my leave. All the best on your journey. "


She took out her makeup and redid her lipstick with the help of a compact mirror. Then, she pulled out one of the crisp dollar bill and gave it a lip-smacking kiss. "Take this back to your Boss, this is a tip from me. Let him know that I was disappointed with his performance that night. "

The lipstick marked bill was like a ticking time-bomb to Assistant Lee and no matter what his decision -to receive it or not -he would be caught in the explosion.

In the end, Maine simply stuffed the bill into his pocket.

The plane took off while she took one last glance at the familiar City.

She wanted to etch the city and faces of the people living there into her brain to serve as a reminder of the debt that she had yet to collect.

Her sigh was diverted as the plane flew into the cloud layer. The corner of the envelope caught her eye. While the rumor spill spun stories of her being a homewrecker as if she had stolen everyone else's man, the only man whom she had actually bedded is him...... Nichklaus Williams....

Even so, the act was a calculated move.

Her thins lips smiled coldly. The rumors did not not matter. When pissed beyond measure, she would just live up to those accusations and steal all their men.

Two hours later, Assistant Lee delivered the ticking time-bomb on the form of a hundred dollar bill to Nichklaus. "Boss, this...... Miss Maine entrusted me to give you this. "

After a moment of hesitation, he repeated the message from Maine verbatim.


In the middle of that bill was a stain of red lipstick, mocking him. A few hours ago, he had just kissed those soft and sweet lips. They were lips that promised a man everything he wanted.

Now, Nichklaus vowed that if ever that woman appeared before him, he would bite her lips off.

.... Time skipped......

Three years later.....

There was a crowd at the T2 arrival pickup zone in Vigan City Airport. The international flight from Country X to Vigan City had landed.

A woman strode into V's City Airport.

Her long, jet black hair fluttered behind her shoulders as her high heels clicked sharply against the tiled floor-the staccato beat hammering in the hearts of men. Her lips were coated an enticing red while large sunglasses obscured half of the pale face. She wore a coat that was featured on last week's early spring fashion show but somehow made it look better than the runway model. The woman was arresting and carried herself with an irresistable charm.

Among the throng of people, she stood out like a gem amidst gravel -grades above everyone else.

Some passerby secretly took photos of the eye-catching woman.

A group of young girls chatted among themselves.

"Is she a celebrity? She looks like someone famous. "

"Its does looked like it. Probably back from overseas. "


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