Chapter 1 - From Good to Bad

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Chapter 1 – From Good to Bad


Crashing down, the waves in front of me toppled down one after another. The sun was beaming down onto my tan skin as I lay on a towel in the sand. A glow glimmered on my legs as the remaining drips of water dried. Laughter and chatter was heard from children as they ran around the sand playing in the splashing water, whilst more mature conversation was heard from their parents and young adults around me. Seagulls gawked and small birds chirping, the atmosphere was relaxing. A beach is a place where one can sit and think without the interruption of drama, a place where you can sit and imagine your dreams coming true and meet people who you couldn’t imagine your life without. Today is an important day; my first day in the real world without having classes or lectures. Graduating from university was a proud moment of my life and I can’t believe it’s already over.

The sun was blocked by a body standing in front of the light, my body was now cold. I pulled my sunglasses down to my nose and looked up at my best friend Charlotte; she was wearing an ear to ear smile and occasionally looking behind at her boyfriend Charlie in the water, “Rose! Get off your lazy, gorgeous arse and have fun in the water!” She said with a small laugh to finish her sentence.

“Okay okay I’m coming…” I sighed. Taking my sunglasses off, and putting my bag on my towel so it doesn’t blow away, I followed Charlotte down to the water to meet Charlie. When we saw him he was talking to a guy, a really attractive guy might I add. As we approached him they both turned their heads, small grins appearing on their faces. As I got closer I noticed the beautiful physical qualities of this man. He had gorgeous sea blue eyes with a sexy amount of stubble on his jaw, perfect size eyebrows and nicely styled hair. He was handsome. He was more than handsome, he was gorgeous.

“Girls, this is Louis, a friend mine who I haven’t seen in a while, Louis this is my girlfriend Charlotte and her friend Rose.” And that’s when his eyes shifted to mine, shining brightly beneath the sun matching his smile that warmed my heart. He held his hand out to me and I shook it politely and that’s how conversation began.

“Nice to meet you,” He smiled, “So what brings you girls to the beach?” He asked, raising his eyebrows in question.

“You too,” I smiled, “Yeah we come here a bit actually; it’s such a beautiful beach. What about you, come here much?” I asked kindly smiling trying hard not to get lost in his looks. You could tell he was from here, his accent was gorgeous, it was so unique and different.

“I haven’t had much time to get down here in the past year so it’s good to be back, just like it’s good to see Charlie again, it’s been awhile. You in college, what do you do for a job?” He asked, interested in my life, that’s a first.

“Um I actually just graduated from college yesterday, this was kind of our way to start the relaxation,” I smiled, seeing his eyes sparkle as I spoke to him, “I also work in a restaurant, just waitressing, it pays the bills… You in college or?” I asked him nervously, worried he wouldn’t find me as interesting due to my occupation, it was my only option.

“No on my last year of school I auditioned for the X Factor, I was put in a band and now I get to do what I love every day. Sorry I don’t like to explain my occupation sometimes, probably sounds like bragging… Have you heard of One Direction?” He replied, of course I had heard of One Direction, my cousin talks about her all the time when we catch up, I don’t know their names or what they look like, but I’ve heard their music and I can’t say it’s bad.

“I’ve heard their music; don’t really know much else about them…. Sorry, why do you ask?” I responded, confused.

“I’m in One Direction, that’s why I haven’t been here for a while. It’s also why I haven’t seen Charlie for a year or so. You guys should come to one of our shows, we have one tonight if you wanted to come?” He asked, nervousness taking over his tone, his eyes shifting to the ground.

“I’d love to, it’d be great to see it all in action, and to actually see what the rest of the group looks like. Sorry if it offends you that I don’t know much…” I turned to Charlie and Charlotte, “Did you guys want to go to his concert tonight?” Charlie just smiled at me then laughed before talking.

“I was already going, I was going to invite you guys but looks like someone else did it for me,” He turned and winked at Louis, laughing. “Come on let’s start heading back.” We all turned and continued to talk as we walked out of the water, finding out little bits of information at a time. Louis is such a lovely guy, for being in a world famous boy band he is so grounded and humble, I already admire that about him. As we reached our towels, I gathered all of my stuff in my bag and turned to my friends. We organised a meeting spot for tonight so that we could see the show and fair welled Louis. After receiving a longer hug than the others and a quick peck on the cheek, we said our goodbyes. I couldn’t stop the giddy feeling from erupting in my stomach and a blush creeping on my cheeks.

As I arrived at my apartment, I quickly walked to the door and was surprised as to what I saw on my couch… My parents making out on my couch, they got a divorce 3 years ago, what’s even happening right now. As I slammed my door in shock, the two split apart, eyes wide on my mother, my dad’s mischief written all over his face.

Fear took over my body as I stared at his face, the nervous feeling that always arose when I stared at this man ever since I was little. He wasn’t the ideal father most kids had, unless you count physical and verbal abuse… normal? Flashes ran through my mind as I remembered all the scars on my body, the feeling of a slap to my cheek, all my worst nightmares… He was my worst nightmare. My breathing became heavy as he stood and moved closer to me, eyeing my up and down before opening to probably makes some snide remarks.

If I could block out what he’s about to say, I would be truly grateful. “What are you doing here?” he questioned my presence.

“I live here. What are you two doing here, making out on my fucking couch?” I asked, aggression already becoming part of my mood.

“Your mother lives here. Can you please like, leave?” He asked, a fierce tone becoming evident, intimidating me so much.

“She doesn’t live here! This is my apartment, both of you please just leave,  I have better things to do than deal with this shit.” I spoke, anger now evident in my voice, I couldn’t hold it anymore.

“Rose don’t talk to your father that way!” My mother interrupted. That’s it.

“I will talk to him that way; he fucking abused me since I was four! But you wouldn’t know because he is a lying asshole! Both of you get out now before I call the-“And that’s when I felt it. The familiar feeling of a slap. The feel of roughness on his fingertips, the sting never leaving my cheek. I just stared in shock.

“You will not mention the past nor call the cops!” He said, slapping my cheek again. Although this time, something sharp scraped my check and I saw in between his fingertips was a pocket knife, seeping through the gaps. They both abruptly left out the door and I was quick to lock it. I can’t believe what just happened.

What did you guys think? I know its so different but hopefully its better this way :) xx Let me know in the comments below :)  

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