Chapter 5 - Look after you...

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Chapter 5 – Look after you…

Walking into my apartment a month later, I had never been happier. My dad hasn’t bothered me, no more of Louis’ fans have screamed at me, even when he picks me up whenever I have work. And that takes me to my next point. Louis; he has been the sweetest, most caring and down to earth man I have ever known. With him staying with me, we have become so close because we spend many hours in the same house. It is strange how one person can walk into your life and change the way you predicted your future, but I couldn’t be happier with how mine is turning out.

I’ve been to a few more of the boys concerts, on my own instead of with Charlie and Charlotte, and it’s fair to say that those boys never disappoint. They are so humble and grateful for their fans and their fans appreciate their music so much. The way the boys sing with such love and passion flatters me and I’m always so proud of how well they do. Not only have Louis and I become close but the other boys and I have become good friends. It’s nice to have different people in my life especially when they are all so down to earth. I’ve met Liam and Zayn’s girlfriends and they are drop dead gorgeous. I remember that day so well because it was a day that I felt so low of myself because of how beautiful they are. I’ve kept my twitter and instagram accounts on private no matter how many times fans ask to follow me, I wouldn’t be able to handle the hate that I know I would receive so I chose the smart way out. Little did I know, they still had a way to break my heart?

When I reached my door the there was an envelope sticky-taped to the front. I pulled the letter off and walked inside. When I had set my things down I walked into the living room and comfortably sat before opening the letter;

To Rose…

I know you think that by keeping accounts on private you would never hear the truth but there is always this way. When you have LOUIS TOMLINSON living with you it makes you easy to find. I felt like it was my responsibility to tell you how it really is. You will NEVER be accepted in this One Direction fandom and don’t think for a section you have a chance with Louis, he is too good for you not matter what you think.

You aren’t pretty like Danielle or Perrie, you’re an ugly fat bitch and you don’t do something amazing like they do, like what do you do? Work in a fucking café! You’re a low life slut who I bet is sleeping around with all the boys, including 5Sos! So you would be doing us all a favour if you just packed up your shit and moved the fuck away. Nobody would even care if you died.

And the letter didn’t stop there; there was definitely no end to my tears either. I couldn’t believe how harsh words could be. Was I really an ugly fat bitch? I had never felt so low about myself… how did they find out where I live? How could anyone physically write something this harmful? I did the only thing I knew would calm me down and that was lay down and close my eyes with the hope of sleep taking over me…


As I walked through the door of Rose’s apartment I heard nothing, she mustn’t be home yet, I thought, until I dropped my and heard soft breaths coming from Rose’s room. I walked in and saw sheets of paper scattered on her bed, crumpled into scrunched balls. I grabbed them all and read of them, eyes widening at what I saw… How can someone be so shallow? To say such harsh words to such an innocent girl disgusts me. Rose doesn’t deserve this, no one does and now I’m starting to understand how Liam and Zayn feel when their girlfriends are targeted by the hatred of media. Even though she’s not my girlfriend… It’s horrifying.

I ripped the paper, shredding them to pieces on the floor, heavily breathing before storming out and positioning myself on the couch, hands on my head, elbows resting on my knees.  My fans, people who were supposed to like us and our music, are hating on people closest to us and it’s not okay with me. Rose is so important to me already and I don’t want to let anything harm her when she has enough drama going on in her life. Luckily over the last month nothing has happened with her parents and I’ve been trying my very best to protect her…


As I woke from my sleep I expected to see the numerous pages of hate sitting on my bed but was shocked to see them scattered in little pieces on the ground beside me. Confused, I stetched before walking out the door and down the hall to the living room but stopped when I heard Louis on the phone;

“Harry I can’t let this happen again… She can’t have to this happen to her, she doesn’t deserve it, no one does but I just can’t even look at the fans the same, not after this. The things they said…” Sobs cracked through his body as he tried to explain what he had seen and I was on the verge of tears seeing him so upset. I didn’t know that he cared about this much, honestly I only saw myself as a burden in his life. But to know he truly cares about me, reassures me of the truth.

I quietly walked to stand in front of him, where he looked up, eyes bloodshot with tears and tried to speak, a sob stopping him. His elbows were on his knees so I moved them and sat down on his lap, careful not to put my full weight on him and pulled him to my chest, trying to calm him down. His free arm wound its way around my back as he held himself to me, sniffing every few seconds. I slowly reached for the phone and gave him a reassuring nod before taking it from him;

“Hey Harry, it’s Rose. Listen, I’ll get Lou to ring you back when he’s up to talk okay? I think he just needs some time. Is that okay?” I explained sympathetically.

“Yeah that’s fine love; just get him to give me a call.” I assured him I would and then hung up the phone after bidding goodbye. I placed the phone on the coffee table in front of me and ran my hands up and down Lou’s back soothingly, giving my best efforts to calm him down.

“Lou calm down, it’s okay, everything is okay…” I whispered in his ear. His other arm came to secure its place around my waist and he hugged himself tighter against me, kissing my shoulder. He continued to sniff for the next five minutes before calming down completely, his breathing evening out. This is what we are here for, to look after each other…





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