Mister Moving On

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SHE HEARD EVERYTHING HE said before she dozed off to sleep

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SHE HEARD EVERYTHING HE said before she dozed off to sleep. Aiyana didn't want to make that decision for him because she knew she would have said just end it would he obviously loves Portia. Ana haven't brought it up yet and probably won't until he says something to her. Rami hasn't mentioned it so that was that. Aiyana met with the RCA writing staff and had the chance to meet one of her favorite artists, Bryson Tiller. It's crazy because she was talking to Rami about his music. Not to mention another one of her songs for pick by him, her own personal song is getting some attention. Many people are really liking her style and voice and want more from her. Yet Aiyana is still not into the whole performing and fame thing.

"Okay that's good for today..." She finished doing her rounds of sit ups and push ups. Aiyana is at least trying to start working out but she hates the gym so home workouts will do.

She goes to take a quick shower and wash her hair which takes longer because of the length of her hair. Once she is out, Ana changes into some comfortable lounge around clothes which is sweatpants and a black cami. Just as she was stepping out of her room her phone goes off with a text. She wraps up her hair in a towel and got her phone.

~~ Are you home?

Aiyana stares at the text with a smirk. Rami always know she's home because she works from home. Why would he ask such a dumb question?

~~Of course I am. What's up??

She waited for him to respond while taking a seat trying to dry her hair. Most likely when Rami ask if she's home, that means his coming downstairs. Aiyana was going to relax and cook an early dinner and watch some Netflix or something. Her goes off again.

~~ Mind if I come down? I have some big news plus I miss you.

~~You're always welcomed here. I'll have the door unlocked for ya☺️

Aiyana's heart skipped a beat when he said he missed her. I mean it has been a while since they last seen each other, probably at least four weeks. It's now mid December and Rami will be leaving back to California for the holiday while Ana speaks Christmas with Liyah and Justin.
  She glance down at her outfit and thought she should change or at least put bra on but she likes being comfortable.

He won't notice...

Aiyana picks up a few trash items that were on the coffee table and throws them in the bin as the front door opens and closes. She steps out the kitchen, seeing her best friend taking off his shoes.

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