Name: Why should I tell you? Luke Wellington
Age: I'm old enough. 17
Sexuality: I'm not straight, am I? Gay
Looks: Apparently you're blind too. Luke is a short blond haired boy with pale as hell skin and ice blue eyes. He never really brushes it hair aside from to untangle it, so it remains messy most of the time. Luke also tends to wear baggy clothes because he finds them more comfortable.Personality: I'm definitely an angel. Luke is a quiet but sharp tongued boy when you first meet him, however he is very easily manipulated and has a low self esteem. After you get to know him, is is actually pretty sweet. He does have a short temper more though, so watch out for that.
Backstory: Normal, besides being disowned by my parents. Luke had a pretty normal childhood up until the age of twelve, when his parents found out he was gay. They kicked him out and he began to live with his boyfriend, Liam. Liam uses him, however, for 'fun' and as a way to get easy money, making him basically a prostitute. Liam only views Luke as a possession and doesn't really love him. Luke, on the other hand, love Liam and thinks he loves him back. He's totally oblivious to the fact that what Liam is making him do is bad and abusive.
Like: I like my boyfriend, chili, and climbing trees.
Dislikes: I hate being yelled at or someone telling me I'm wrong. I also hate pickles. They're really gross.Scenario 1:
You are in a class with Luke and are put into a group to work on a project. You are upset about this because you know Luke slacks on his work and you know of the rumors going around about him. You...?Scenario 2:
Make your own...